United away - pre-match thread

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I'm loving this hype for Utd, to listen to the majority of so called experts we don't stand much of a chance Saturday! Quietly remember all the comments and shovel it back at them when I hope they are proved wrong.
the only bits im worried about are utd strength in the air from either wide areas or set pieces which is going to cause us major problems even with lots of possession we will have and also their influence on the ref.......

I dont mind losing to anyone (even them) if we get outplayed or tactically out thought but if we get done over by dodgy decisions especiailly after recent revelations then that would be hard to take
I'm honestly fuckin gobsmacked at the spewing pile of shite the media is dishing up, it started for me with the nob beckham and that ridiculous sky ad, fuck right off with that Shite for starters, since then the wankfest has gathered pace at an alarming rate, I'm fuming with it all and i could easily see me doing damage to the masses of gobby rag twats in the boozer on Saturday, so please city, go out and do these cunts and do em well, I will stay at home on Saturday coz I really don't trust myself.
Fernandinho: "I believe that as it’s the first time Pep and Mourinho will be here in charge of the teams, it will be an extra attraction."
Fernandinho: "In that month and a half, almost two months, it’s obvious that you notice a big difference to the other managers I’ve had."
Fernandinho: "In my view, it’s no wonder why Pep was a winner where he went, starting at Barcelona and then at Bayern Munich."
Fernandinho: "The way he works is very cool, very interesting. It’s a way that you can understand everything he wants, everything he asks
Fernandinho: "He explains why you do certain kinds of things in the game, in training, tactical situations of how to attack, how to defend."
Jose Mourinho wants United to bully City in the air this weekend, by inviting fouls for free kicks and delivering good crosses. [Telegraph]
As we thought,hope we have been working on stopping crosses
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