United game postponed due to bomb scare

What was this fake bomb doing in the toilets in the first place.?
Am I imagining things or was there not an incident where a mysterious package which caused an evacuation turned out to be a box of chocolates? I was calling extreme paranoia earlier on but I can understand concern with what was found but to find out the reason, jesus, incompetence of the highest order lol
The club is praising itself about how wonderful their security measures are and a fake bomb went undiscovered for four days, thus proving that they didn't do a matchday sweep before they started letting people in.
Turning up late for games and now having a game called off because they can't clean their bogs properly!!!!!!

Is there nothing these twats won't do to take attention away from how utterly wank they are after spending all that money? The media will have a field day with this surely.
Some of the denial on Red Cafe is marvellous:

Lets just say that if today was a genuine bomb threat and they did want to cover it up, i couldn't have thought up a better story myself to end the fear and panic it could cause.

It is definitely in all parties interests to not publicise a genuine bomb threat at Old Trafford. Plus, if ISIS were behind it, for example, they wouldn't want them to get the media exposure that they would have wanted.

Seems plausible.
The club is praising itself about how wonderful their security measures are and a fake bomb went undiscovered for four days, thus proving that they didn't do a matchday sweep before they started letting people in.

Wonderful how the truth always rise to the surface

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