United game postponed due to bomb scare

They are trying too distance themselves from blame here,no apology and bigging up the fact you can use your tickets again ! Which they have to do anyway if the game gets abadonned before half time I think ?
Setting aside the fact that the training device was not properly accounted for at the end of the exercise, I would make the following points.
1. The ground is visited on a daily basis by fans doing the club tour and I presume they go pitch side. I would expect security checks to be carried out before and after close of business.
2. Match day I presume a full check is carried out and completed before gates are opened, and zones are reported to control as being clear. If this is the case it should be possible to identify who takes responsibility for saying an area is clear when it obviously wasn't.
3. Following the training exercise did United not do their own security sweep?
4. Who ever is responsible (Trafford) for the issue of the safety certificate needs to be involved in any investigation, which needs to be carried out by a completely independent person.

The responsibility for this lays squarely at the clubs door. Bournemouth and their fans have been penalised and as already said United have an advantage for the Final. The Premier League should reverse their decision to replay and the three points awarded to Bournemouth.
Is there any sort of precedent?
Could / should the FA not say, the game was not played due to the fault of Man United and award the game to Bournemouth?
The Rags should be fined very heavily and a reduced capacity set on their ground for a season. What they have done is appalling, they have opened an unsafe ground to the general public which also leaves them wide open for all sorts of compensation claims.
The ground should have been fully checked before anyone was allowed in clearly the training exercise was of very little worth.

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