United game postponed due to bomb scare

No mention of them basically appointing a one man band to do their security training. Presumably because they were cheaper than G4S or Securitas.

Yes a REALLY serious commitment to the security of their loyal customers .

Typical shower of sh*t operation by a shower of sh*t club !
Bang on....probably a Gas deserter, sets up new security Co. ..undercuts by 25pc. ..winners all round.
Yes, he worked for G4S at the Olympics and set up his own company.

No real problem if they want to employ small companies, but they need to recognise that they need to take on more responsibility themselves to make up for the accreditation, scrutiny and governance that you get with a big company.
The contractor had signed the device as having been recovered along with the 13 other devices at the end of the exercise.
That device could not have been detected by sniffer dogs on the routine matchday search of the 100 Club, as it contained no explosives and was used in an exercise training handlers not dogs.

This taken from the statement put out. Reading between the lines the first sentence appears to say 'It is in no way our fault' and the second appears to say we always do a full sweep but because it was a fake it wasn't found.

Talk about hanging people out to dry. They obviously didn't search the toilets at all as this 'bomb' was supposedly in full sight, not tucked away behind a loose brick. No doubt the media will swallow it hook line and sinker and the rags will come out of this smelling of roses
Premier league rules. Game was called off on police advice. Regarding the delayed games they should be in for disciplinary procedures as the delay was more than half an hour. dunno what that is likely to be as its not well defined.


Kick-Off L.28. Each Club participating in a League Match shall adhere to the kick-off time and the Home Club shall report any delay to the Secretary together with any explanation therefor. L.29.Any Club which without good reason causes to be delayed either the kick-off of a League Match from the time fixed or the re-start after the half-time interval:L.29.1. shall on the first such occasion pay a fixed penalty of £5,000 if the delay does not exceed 15 minutes;L.29.2. shall on a second or subsequent occasion within 2 years of the first such occasion or if in any case the delay exceeds 15 minutes be dealt with under the provisions of Section W of these Rules (Disciplinary).
Board’s Disciplinary Powers W.3. The Board shall have power to deal with any suspected or alleged breach of these Rules by either:W.3.1. issuing a reprimand; orW.3.2. imposing a xed penalty or other sanction where such provision is made in these Rules; orW.3.3. exercising its summary jurisdiction; orW.3.4. referring the matter to a Commission appointed under Rule W.21; orW.3.5. referring the matter to the Football Association for determination under the Football Association Rules.

Sorry, not copied very well, it's from premier league handbook Board’s Disciplinary Powers W.3. The Board shall have power to deal with any suspected or alleged breach of these Rules by either:W.3.1. issuing a reprimand; orW.3.2. imposing a xed penalty or other sanction where such provision is made in these Rules; orW.3.3. exercising its summary jurisdiction; orW.3.4. referring the matter to a Commission appointed under Rule W.21; orW.3.5. referring the matter to the Football Association for determination under the Football Association Rules. Fixed Penalty Procedure 2015-16
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Whatever happened to that big lump ned Kelly?...ex s as? Used to handle their security...I'm thinking another ticket scandal?
I think the word your are looking for Mr Woodward is......... Sorry, what arrogant nonsense you have said nothing at all about the responsibility that your organisation has to the supporters or indeed the integrity of the competition you are playing in.
Joke of a club on and off the pitch.
There must have been one hell of a stink in there if a sniffer dog was fooled. Not too surprised about the stink because there have been many other stinks about that place and it's connections, stinks that just get brushed under the carpet, but there is surely one outstanding question that has to be raised. And that question is this. Given the time lapse between the package being 'hidden' and then being found, are we then to assume that the toilets at the swamp are never cleaned?
If this was anyone other than Rags, Arsenal or Red dippers the book would have been thrown at them

As it goes they will get a slap on the wrist and small fine

2 games in less than a week delayed is a disgrace
Do you have a sectorised search plan with written checklist – signed by a senior steward as completed for the information of the Stadium Safety Officer and Police Commander?

Do all stadium bars, restaurants and kiosks that close after commencement of the event have a search procedure with sign-off checklist so that suspect packages are not overlooked?

Stadium security checklist.

I'm sorry but the events of yesterday are unacceptable. The precedent was set when Middlesbrough failed to fulfil a Premier League fixture so forfeited the game and suffered a points deduction.

I've heard countless people defend them today saying it wasn't their responsibility. I work at a food manufacturers - if we allowed a pest control team to trial some gear on our premises and a fox trap got left behind which then caused us to fail an audit, the BRC wouldn't really say "Wee the blame lies with Rentokil so we'll turn a blind eye to that." We'd be quite rightly fucked left, right and centre and people would be made an example of.

They have allowed 60-70,000 people into an unsafe venue, have wasted police and army resources, they have caused a huge situation where people could have been injured had it not been for City running a drill there nearly five years ago, they have delayed the end of the Premier League season, they have gained an unfair advantage over West Ham, they might affect the income of Crystal Palace and West Brom, they have been allowed extra preparation time for the FA Cup final, they have caused unnecessary travel disruption during the midweek, they have cost a lot of people a small a lot of money in travel costs, Bournemouth will now need to pay transport and hotel costs again, caused unnecessary concern amongst the friends and family of every person in that stadium.

This on top of being late for the Tottenham and West Ham fixtures, the latter after being told to arrive at the Boleyn Ground by 4pm.

An utter disgrace from a professional football club and as I said at the top, they should suffer the consequences like every other team would.

Spot on.
As someone who has done countless security searches on ships,three times under a real threat, the incompetence shown in this instance is staggering.

For a security exercise one or more people would have planted the devices. The person coordinating the search should know where they planted the devices and how many were planted. The search team using a laid out plan which should cover all areas of the ground would then search and continue until all the devices were found or the time allotted ran out. Any not found would then be collected in after showing the search team where they were and how they may have missed them. To leave a device still hidden is incompetence of the highest order.

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