United game postponed due to bomb scare

Something in all this doesn't add up at all, I hope the media question the club, their actions and expose the real story. I suspect there us more chance of a 19 - 0 win though

The " media " haven't got the ball to ask the relevent questions - on the orders of the Director General of the BBC.
Despicable club getting away with it again. Their friends in the media only too happy to help and some bloke being made to pay the price.
Hope they fall apart bit by bit the shithouses.
If the item found was clearly marked training aid with the chaps telephone number on to ring if found then surely none of the events yesterday should have happened. Something clearly doesn't add up here.
He's been worded by the club. Being from Kent he's obviously a rag so has decided to take it up the arse in order for them to come out blameless.
Sadcafe is funny, they're patting themselves on the back for not being a shambles. Just to clear things up you set of cunts, your club is indeed a shambles. A dishonest one at that.
If the item found was clearly marked training aid with the chaps telephone number on to ring if found then surely none of the events yesterday should have happened. Something clearly doesn't add up here.

Seriously? So if you label something "not a bomb" with a random # on it we can just carry on? Brilliant, just don't tell anyone who wants to blow stuff up, they may try it.

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