United game postponed due to bomb scare

Who at United counted the fake bombs in and then counted them out ???

Something is not quite right with this. I don't know what is it is but I'm certain there's more to this than is being put in the press.

Yep, their spin doctors are all over this like a cheap suit. I believe it's called "communication management" and will be peddled to their media whores who will obediently spread the word. Most of their 45 billion world-wide fan-base will lap it up as they lack the basic ability to think for themselves. Bless them.
It exposes a loophole that hopefully will now be closed.Countless people probably get access to stadiums between games and any one of them could plant a device set to explode on a match day,or to be triggered by a phone or similar. All stadiums should be searched properly in the hours before the spectators are allowed in for every game.

I live in Norfolk. A couple of seasons back my boss (a Newcastle fan) thought it would be funny to send me to a conference held at Old Trafford (I managed to see two City games by taking a few days holiday). The conference was on a Thursday, there was a game at the swamp the following weekend. There was no security at all, I mean zero. I smoke and was forever nipping out for a fag with no checks whatsoever. During one of the lunch breaks I wandered off to take a look at the pitch, I'd never been to Old Trafford and trust me I'm unlikely to again, I wandered through the stands, all over the place, there were one two people about doing stuff, not one of them asked what I was doing, a middle aged white bloke in a suit, I wasn't wearing a visitors badge or a lanyard.
I couldn't even take my Umbrella into the Etihad !!!

At United , just take in 14 fake bombs and only come out with 13. The level of incompetence is unbelievable. The man himself made a mistake. The real culprits here are MUFC.
I have just seen the interview with the head of this so called security firm and as others have said something is odd. He accepts full responsibility and said HE said all the the devices planted were back in his possession. So....let's get this right. A man who was in a top position in the Met police for 32 years and has trained counter terrorist units couldn't count to thirteen??? This is the number of devices planted.That is frightening and unbelievable!
There is no way he has written that statement himself neither has his lawyer if indeed he has spoken to one. That has the rags fingerprints all over it.
Ok I have hidden 14 devices, please go and find them and bring them back to me. One, two, miss a few, fourteen
Maybe I'm downplaying this with the benefit of hindsight however, when the call went to the head of security that they'd found a bomb similar to the one used in the exercise a few days before, did they not think it was a bit of a coincidence?

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