United game postponed due to bomb scare

Rags Lawyers: Sign this, admit you fucked up and we'll give you a retirement present if you keep to this confidentiality clause.
Not having this at all, something well dodgy has gone on here. If he used items that werent in his bag why would he count one back in that was in his bag.

Ok I've already been accused of working for the BBC or the rag PR machine (lol) but this place is going bloody loopy. What he described would be the easiest fucking thing in the world to do! Christ I do shit like that at work every single day! "Did I upload that file?" - Someone interrupts me with a question - "Where was I? Ah yes, uploading that file.. Oh, there's one on the sever with the same name, looks like I did". Turns out I'd made a newer version but forgot to give it a new name, old one is on the server. It's the end of the day and I want to go home. Fuck it, I'm sure it will be fine. Sound familiar? All perfect at your jobs and never make mistakes?

"Did I get the one that looks like a pipe bomb - Oh here's one in my bag, must have done" - Easy. Negligent? Certainly. Lazy? Maybe. Stupid? Yes. But very easy to do.

Yes, the guy should have a full checklist of his entire inventory and not just of things he left scattered around to avoid things like this happening, but to suggest the fact he didn't is leading to something more sinister sounds more like people want it to be the case, rather than it being true.

Of course his statement could be pressure from lawyers, but his statement is also perfectly plausible.
When the 'bomb' was 'discovered' the rags announced that there would be a 45 minute delay and only evacuated two stands. I presume they knew there were no more bombs in any other parts of the ground and that it wasn't actually real anyway. Otherwise, the announcement makes no sense. Utterly fucking bent, this.
Ok I've already been accused of working for the BBC or the rag PR machine (lol) but this place is going bloody loopy. What he described would be the easiest fucking thing in the world to do! Christ I do shit like that at work every single day! "Did I upload that file?" - Someone interrupts me with a question - "Where was I? Ah yes, uploading that file.. Oh, there's one on the sever with the same name, looks like I did". Turns out I'd made a newer version but forgot to give it a new name, old one is on the server. It's the end of the day and I want to go home. Fuck it, I'm sure it will be fine. Sound familiar? All perfect at your jobs and never make mistakes?

"Did I get the one that looks like a pipe bomb - Oh here's one in my bag, must have done" - Easy. Negligent? Certainly. Lazy? Maybe. Stupid? Yes. But very easy to do.

Yes, the guy should have a full checklist of his entire inventory and not just of things he left scattered around to avoid things like this happening, but to suggest the fact he didn't is leading to something more sinister sounds more like people want it to be the case, rather than it being true.

Of course his statement could be pressure from lawyers, but his statement is also perfectly plausible.

Absolute bollocks!!! This is a man who is being paid to conduct a training exercise detecting fake explosive devices. It isn't someone who rushes out of the house or from work and forgets his keys or a file. His whole job that day was to ensure a number of devices, the number of which he knew and which HE brought to the stadium,were planted,found and taken back to his office. It wasn't even multiple devices it was THIRTEEN for fucks sake. That very stadium was hosting a big match in four days to be attended by SEVENTY FIVE thousand people. As a so called security expert he would know the implications if he fucked up and left one taped to the bog doors! If he really was that stupid on such a small matter as not knowing all the devices were back in his bag before he left he might as well look to start a new business as he has lost all credibility in the security industry!
Ok I've already been accused of working for the BBC or the rag PR machine (lol) but this place is going bloody loopy. What he described would be the easiest fucking thing in the world to do! Christ I do shit like that at work every single day! "Did I upload that file?" - Someone interrupts me with a question - "Where was I? Ah yes, uploading that file.. Oh, there's one on the sever with the same name, looks like I did". Turns out I'd made a newer version but forgot to give it a new name, old one is on the server. It's the end of the day and I want to go home. Fuck it, I'm sure it will be fine. Sound familiar? All perfect at your jobs and never make mistakes?

"Did I get the one that looks like a pipe bomb - Oh here's one in my bag, must have done" - Easy. Negligent? Certainly. Lazy? Maybe. Stupid? Yes. But very easy to do.

Yes, the guy should have a full checklist of his entire inventory and not just of things he left scattered around to avoid things like this happening, but to suggest the fact he didn't is leading to something more sinister sounds more like people want it to be the case, rather than it being true.

Of course his statement could be pressure from lawyers, but his statement is also perfectly plausible.

You believe what you want sunshine if it makes you happy.

But don't make excuses for the shower of sh*te because you are being very niave if you think those f*ckers are blameless in all this. This is now a damage limitation exercise on their part because the whole " story " is fabricated because they have seriously f*cked up.

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