United game postponed due to bomb scare

Rubbish. You do the same thing day in day out and it matters not a fucking jot how important it is, you'll get complacent, because you know you've done it faultless for days and days on end. This comes down to nothing more than simple human nature. As it appears, correct me if I'm wrong, he's not subject to oversight, he's the top of the chain - One single bloke? It's not a fucking joint spec ops/Mi5 exercise.

Now two scenarios are possible in the days between his seminar and the game. 1) He doesn't have another job on that week, so he doesn't notice he's still a pipe bomb short. 2) He does, and either he still doesn't notice, because at the next job he's still not using his entire assortment of bombs, or he does notice, and what? He just doesn't bother ringing the club to get it back? Why the fuck would he do that?

If this is all so outlandish what is the actual explanation? Because all I've seen so far is how the club and company statements are clearly bollocks and there is something more sinister afoot, yet no-one seems able to tell me what that is.

If that's your line of thinking how many commercial airlines have crashed due to pilot complacency?
Was the training anything to do with old Trafford or just a dog handlers without dogs exercise? Tell me what the point is in training dog handlers without the dogs being there. You don't learn to drive without a car.
I don't know, you'll have to ask him yourself. But he was very clear in his statement that they weren't using dogs.
You believe what you want sunshine if it makes you happy.

But don't make excuses for the shower of sh*te because you are being very niave if you think those f*ckers are blameless in all this. This is now a damage limitation exercise on their part because the whole " story " is fabricated because they have seriously f*cked up.

If you can show me where I've said they're blameless I'll buy you a pint. My point is merely that it's not entirely the rags fault, and that the security company placing the bombs are clearly not without blame here. I've no idea how someone can refute this but obviously we all love a good rag bash.

There are some jobs where you don't have the luxury of making a mistake, something David Dukinfield has finally come to realise.

Absolutely, but whether he has the luxury or not in this case is surely irrelevant. Fact is he did. Or I guess more accurately, a perfectly believable explanation of events says he did.

Hopefully they'll get dragged over coals and rightfully so, but so will the security company, rightly so.

It is not rubbish.Have you ever worked in the security industry or a job where you train on a regular basis for the worst case scenario? If you have you will know what you said is as I said in my original answer to you....absolute bollocks! While everyone can make a mistake his was so basic at his level it is bordering on criminal.I wouldn't put him or his security firm in charge of a dolls house!

Neither would I, but we all know he was probably the cheapest security company Ed found in the yellow pages. Doesn't excuse his behavior and I have not anywhere said the rags are blameless. This is still just coming down to basic human error. Security personnel aren't elevated above this fact unfortunately. On the contrary you could no doubt find endless articles online detailing security fuck ups.

Sometimes people just so desperately want to hate the rags and everything about them that it completely clouds rational thought and judgement.
The media failing to ask the rags any hard questions and swallowing whatever the rag PR machine tell them is what disappoints me most. Any other club would be getting crucified in the redtops, on the radio and sky sports. The rags are getting praised for getting everyone out safely.
The media failing to ask the rags any hard questions and swallowing whatever the rag PR machine tell them is what disappoints me most. Any other club would be getting crucified in the redtops, on the radio and sky sports. The rags are getting praised for getting everyone out safely.

Very disappointing, but then in no way surprising unfortunately. This is what happens when you foster a press that is happy to just copy and paste press releases rather than investigating stories themselves.

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