United reaction when aguero scores on sky sports

Watching that again in the cold light of day I have to give some credit to fergie and he scum players for taking it on the chin. Baconface sends them out to applaud the fans when he realises it' s all over. Now I hate the glaswegian whiskeyswigger as much as the next city fan but have to give him some credit (much as I hate to) on this occasion...
Fair play.
Burtonblue said:
Watching that again in the cold light of day I have to give some credit to fergie and he scum players for taking it on the chin. Baconface sends them out to applaud the fans when he realises it' s all over. Now I hate the glaswegian whiskeyswigger as much as the next city fan but have to give him some credit (much as I hate to) on this occasion...
Fair play.

Burtonblue said:
Watching that again in the cold light of day I have to give some credit to fergie and he scum players for taking it on the chin. Baconface sends them out to applaud the fans when he realises it' s all over. Now I hate the glaswegian whiskeyswigger as much as the next city fan but have to give him some credit (much as I hate to) on this occasion...
Fair play.

Give him credit? I'd give him a shoeing
michael1991 said:
For anyone who wanted to see the sky sports coverage of the reaction at united's game here you go! Brilliant


Lovely stuff!
Burtonblue said:
Watching that again in the cold light of day I have to give some credit to fergie and he scum players for taking it on the chin. Baconface sends them out to applaud the fans when he realises it' s all over. Now I hate the glaswegian whiskeyswigger as much as the next city fan but have to give him some credit (much as I hate to) on this occasion...
Fair play.

Are you serious? The only thing I'd like to give to that manipulative, bullying, hypocritical bastard is a cyanide pill.
That clips also makes me smile seeing Michael Owen in the background (in full kit - he was an unused sub) getting ready to run on to the pitch, for the first time in a while, to "celebrate" United winning the title. Fuck me, that would have been such an undeserved medal if he had got one.

Anyway, never tire of watching it as see something new each time. Is it me or does Park let out a wry smile as if to say, "I'm leaving anyway so I'm glad you've won fuck all you red nosed twat"?
KentBlue said:
Burtonblue said:
Watching that again in the cold light of day I have to give some credit to fergie and he scum players for taking it on the chin. Baconface sends them out to applaud the fans when he realises it' s all over. Now I hate the glaswegian whiskeyswigger as much as the next city fan but have to give him some credit (much as I hate to) on this occasion...
Fair play.

Are you serious? The only thing I'd like to give to that manipulative, bullying, hypocritical bastard is a cyanide pill.
I'd give the old twunt that fat bird with the red top and glasses -- 1000 times worse than any cyanide pill - he'd never get out alive!!!

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