United thread 2012/13 (inc merged IPO thread)

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With regards "selling"the stadium,In Glasgow Rangers last audited accounts,the stadium was valued at £100M.That was two year ago.The present owner bought the stadium,training ground and a large car park at the side of the stadium for £1.5M.
Re: Utd and their Failed IPO

JM Mcr said:
samharris said:
JM Mcr said:
Although Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Deutschebank are prepared to underwrite the offer, should it indeed go ahead. Bet the Glazers are grateful that those institutions are purely going to rely on their years of experience in global investment banking rather than seeking more expert financial advice from bluemoon before deciding whether or not to proceed ;-)
So why hasnt it gone ahead then if these giants are prepared to underwrite it..??
They claim because of current volatility in the market place (think the one thing we can all agree on is that world markets are currently all over the place) and they didn't get to be "giants" by throwing their money away. I'm not even saying it WILL go ahead, just amazed that so many on here seem to know so much about the viability of this proposed offer before the details have even been revealed.

It also hasn't definitely been pulled (yet), there's lots of speculation about and very few hard facts. On that basis I wouldn't be quick to jump to conclusions (whatever your preferred outcome).

I think I speak for most on here when I say that the prefered outcome would be the one that you didnt want..

But hey...its only football banter.
The Future's Blue said:
Didn't one of the main banks pull out of this deal, saying something like 'I wouldn't even touch that with Wayne Rooney's granny soaked cock', or words to that effect?

Morgan Stanley, yes.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/67f3c41c-b6ed-11e1-8c96-00144feabdc0.html#axzz21fkB8bgp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/67f3c41c-b6ed ... z21fkB8bgp</a>
It looks like there is minimum interest in the IPO. No one wants to fund Utd for no reward (dividend) and minimal voting rights. My bet is it will be canned. Watch the gnashing of teeth next week when the canning is made official...

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.marketwatch.com/search?q=manchester%20united%20ipo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.marketwatch.com/search?q=man ... ited%20ipo</a>

Of the above, the risks they describe are a peach:
<a class="postlink" href="http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/2012/07/03/51-risk-factors-from-manchester-uniteds-ipo-filing/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://blogs.marketwatch.com/thetell/20 ... po-filing/</a>

WARNING - do not view while drinking coffee, tee or other beverage. Your keyboard could be damaged.
JM Mcr said:
EricBrooksGhost said:
JM Mcr said:
Although Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Deutschebank are prepared to underwrite the offer, should it indeed go ahead. Bet the Glazers are grateful that those institutions are purely going to rely on their years of experience in global investment banking rather than seeking more expert financial advice from bluemoon before deciding whether or not to proceed ;-)
Ok genius how do value this IPO offer? P/E ratio ... If so what is it is? If not how? Simple questions any investment banker would ask not something a random bluemoon poster has made up; that the statement just demonstrates your rag ignorance
Not sure why you're so hostile but I'm no genius, nor ever claimed to be. To be honest that sort of sums up my point.

You seem to have made your mind up on the viability of any IPO based on the extremely limited information that is currently in the public domain (the Glazers have yet to even confirm their valuation of the club or proposed price and numbers of shares to be issued, hence my reserving judgement until details are known) but I would imagine the underwriting bankers may be privy to more information than that.
You see I'm hostile when a rag has a dig at my post which was asking why you would invest in this IPO when it can't be accurately valued i.e. P/E ratio; and gives a lack of control i.e. B shares ; you dismissed it as bluemoon ramblings yet both are things an investment banker or any other investment institution would be interested in. Also non public domain information that aids in the assessment of buying shares...... That would be insider information you mean, oh dear. Of course i will accept there is some irony in that the last big US IPO was Facebook with a P/E ratio of 100.... Which is ludicrous. So may be that kind of irrational investment thinking gives you some hope rag boy but don't dismiss things so easily next time and always assume the given reason in the media is real reason.
As long as the Glazers are not forced to sell and can continue to milk them for all their worth is my preferred option. Wouldn't want an owner who actually cares about them. The Glazers are only interested in money and up to now the Bank of ManU has been brilliant for them. At some stage though there is going to be a pivotal moment whereby they either sell up and run with the money or the team will suffer because of a lack of investment. Just hope the selling bit doesn't happen for a long time.
Rammyblues said:
As long as the Glazers are not forced to sell and can continue to milk them for all their worth is my preferred option. Wouldn't want an owner who actually cares about them. The Glazers are only interested in money and up to now the Bank of ManU has been brilliant for them. At some stage though there is going to be a pivotal moment whereby they either sell up and run with the money or the team will suffer because of a lack of investment. Just hope the selling bit doesn't happen for a long time.

Absolutely. The ideal solution is that they stagger along for 10+ years while the City 'brand' grows exponentially.
Just did a bit of research and it seems that the market has not changed much at all since they registered with the SEC.

If that's right then more wood to the fire this is defo just a smokescreen to save further embarrassment ?

Can PB or someone else who knows this stuff better confirm or rebuke this arguement please ?
Seems to be yet another waste of money (good) wonder how much it has cost them so far in getting all this in place, accountants etc?
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