United Thread 2014/15

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union city blue said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
bgblue said:
It's just a shame he didn't mention about rooney sleeping with elderly prositutes :(
This really doesn't get mentioned enough. On here, or more generally.

Just for once you'd love one of ours to say "Rooney? Which one's he again? Is he the one who sleeps with his brother's wife or the one that goes with prostitutes?"

You could imagine Balo saying it, but I doubt anyone would in the current squad.

Would be so funny though, I'm actually laughing just thinking about how the interviewers face would look.
Very big difference between Moyes walking out onto the field than LVG. No doffing of the cap or meek little rabbit caught in the headlights. He walked out there like he owned the place and treated Giggs like he was a stable boy minding his horse.

Next few weeks of the transfer window are pivotal to his success, because making do with a makeshift, inexperienced back 3 is very risky.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Allendintiers said:
He walked out there like he owned the place and treated Giggs like he was a stable boy minding his horse.
He was reminiscent of Hitler walking into the Nuremburg Rally in 1936.

remember arthur mann said:
So a deflection, a goalie who had a rush of blood and a shakey defence especially Jones, funny that, I read an article this morning where it was a Fletcher screamer, great control and finish by [ex] mophead and m-o-m Jones !

And Fellaini pushing the centre half into the goalie to make space for his chest and volley (which, it has to be said, was performed very nicely). Cleverly's assist was quite spectacular.

I shit you not, in the post-match analysis Jim Rosenthal said "This is a massive turning point in Fellaini's Manchester United career". Even my mate, who's as blinkered a Red as you could ever meet, was pissing himself at the ludicrousness of it.

They're gonna get spanked by decent teams in actual competitive matches by the way. Spanked.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Allendintiers said:
He walked out there like he owned the place and treated Giggs like he was a stable boy minding his horse.
He was reminiscent of Hitler walking into the Nuremburg Rally in 1936.

Was it any good? I went to see the pope in 82, but was too young to understand any of it.
Allendintiers said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Allendintiers said:
He walked out there like he owned the place and treated Giggs like he was a stable boy minding his horse.
He was reminiscent of Hitler walking into the Nuremburg Rally in 1936.

Was it any good? I went to see the pope in 82, but was too young to understand any of it.
It was a bit more lively than the one they threw in 1945. Better turnout too.
TCIB said:
welsh_andy said:

just showed a rag mate, he was lost for words,lol

Someone get that on redcafe, manchester dan, calling manchester dan.

Nice one. I've saved this. I will double check the numbers for next time it becomes relevant to a discussion.
Damocles said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
oldius said:
Has any manager in history been so welcomed on arrival to the premiership by the press?
Roberto Mancini?

Yeah remember his first press conference?

Treated like royalty he was. I think you can hear someone on here refer to him as King Bob

That Yaya comment looks fucking stupid now ey. And "we will never win anything under Mancini".
Oh and when did we ever spend £300m in one window?

So many things to laugh at there.
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