United Thread 2014/15

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Lots of blues seem annoyed at this, but I'm quite pleased for a few good reasons.

1, Falcao is a slow player.

2, He's 28 year old.

3, He's had a bad injury.

4, He's never played in a league as aggressive and fast as the prem.

5, He's poor at linking up. Very poor assist rate.

6, Not fit.

7, He's expensive and may stop us getting another player in time if one comes available.

8, The scum have let two speed mercants leave.

I think the City lads deserve a pat on the back for being cautious and looking at the bigger picture, we shouldn't be ruining our well oiled plans with knee jerk reaction. In all honesty if he doesn't work out then you'd have a really massive financial drain on our hands and even a possible a player that would be hard to get rid if we'd had bought him.

Don't be gutted, well not yet anyway.
They have a habit of breaking records recently. Perhaps they have their eye on ours and are planning on being relegated having scored and conceded over 100 goals.
They are real madridesque now with their galactico like antics. Mercenaries? Special club? British core? Youth policy?

Just another club now. They shouldnt have laughed at "oil money" or at us for "living in the past" (their turn). Please let them finish 5th or 6th.
Holy Shit man that attack..... If they can get a defence sorted it could spell lots of trouble for us and the other big clubs. Don't even have to defend well in some games that attack will outscore most.
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