United Thread 2015/16

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Mike Doyle looks so scared at 10.15 in.
Great rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone by the rag diehards at 11.40 ish in.... The rivalry was so intense they even adopted the Liverpool anthem.

What the yoonitey fans are claiming is all true.................in their heads.

Sinstadt's finest ever quote "the police cordon advances and the rabble retreat" plus them singing Never walk alone is priceless, probably adopted it from their Celtic supporting brethren & clearly nailing the LFC rivalry as a myth
You haven't actually understood anything that I have written! I repeat, I am not arguing the toss about who is our true rivals, currently or historically. I'm disputing the absolutely ridiculous statement that Alex Ferguson created the rivalry with Liverpool. That is just a bizarre re-hashing of history to fit the agenda of 'certain' City fans who seem to have large gaps in their memories when it comes to the 70's 80's and 90's. I'm on here to say that I was there during that period, and we (I) hated Liverpool way before Ferguson arrived. A good decade before infact.

The end.

You haven't actually understood what i have written. Fook off to redcaf or RAWK. NO ONE on here wants to hear your bollox and bullshit. If we want to know about our history, we'll ask Gary James.
And just for clarification, the banner wasn't just light hearted banter. Otherwise United wouldn't have made you clueless cunts take it down for the 50th anniversary match.
The end (of you) hopefully.
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Head above the parapet time here - I'm going to side with Shallyman. IIRC, the United/Liverpool rivalry started to spice up a bit in the late seventies, when Liverpool started to win the league more regularly (they won it three times in the 12 years in the top flight under Shankly, then 8 times in 11 seasons from 1975/6 onwards). It became quite nasty from both sides pretty quickly, as well. The Manc derby was different in that it was the game that you'd get merciless stick for at school if you lost, and certainly in the late seventies, it was a huge event on both sides. But then, the match could definitely go either way, City had more Wembley appearances and the like through the seventies, and by the time we were averaging home gates of over 40K between 76 and 78, that probably meant that the Manchester region had fairly equal numbers of match-going fans for both clubs. (United's gates were bigger than ours, but even then, they used to draw a lot of out-of-towners).

What really turned things round was that City were so poor for so long. After our victory in the derby at Maine Road in February 1981, we won one more competitive fixture against United in the next 21 years and 9 months. After we went down in 1983, we played outside the top flight for nine of the next 20 seasons, so for nearly 50% of the time, there wasn't even a proper Manchester derby, just the odd friendly or testimonial. In the light of that, it's hardly surprising that the occasion lost its edge and United fans started to regard Liverpool as the bigger game - and it happened very quickly after we failed to offer any meaningful derby challenge.

If, over the coming years, we have City and United competing with each other in the title race and having more major Cup games against one another while Liverpool predominantly finish in the Europa League places, things will probably start to change. However, it will take some time, I'd have thought. We certainly always got to them a bit even when we were shit and they were winning everything in sight. Any protestations that they saw us irrelevant to them were given the lie by things like that banner, while you could often hear lots of signing about us when they played in one of their rare (arf!) televised games. But I think we're deluding ourselves a little if we suggest that the derby has, in the last couple of decades or a bit more, generally been the game even local United fans would regard as their biggest.

Can't say it matters to me anyway. We're not the City of old any more and they know they've got a hell of a fight if they want to be the more successful club in Manchester these days. That's what counts for me now.
The bin dipper rags rivalry in my experience has always been touted by rags who use the over inflated rivalry as a stick to hit City fans with by suggesting we are not relevant enough to warrant the rival tag being applied to us,nowadays we can just laugh that off as being absurd and delusional and the myth is slowly sinking back into the swamp it came from.
Just caught some of the pisscans interview on BBC News... ''During my reign at united''

your ''reign''?? What kind of an arrogant, self opinionated twat talks like that?

I thought he's supposed to be a working class, socialist man of the people
Awesome 21st century leadership skills on show yet again.
I don't get the need to be their main rival. I honestly do not care.

Because many people have invested so much of their time and energy into being the number 1 Rag hating Blue. And they need to express it on here at every opportunity. It's like opening a vent. Take that away and they end up watching Bake off, or kicking the cat.

I work in Manchester with match going blues, (some of them are on here) and have done all of my working career. I have never heard them utter much of the distasteful stuff that is sometimes posted on here. I would say that 90% of City fans are sound, and a small minority drag them down. I can see that Ric and the Mods are trying to stimulate some form of a conversation on here, but it's always diminished by the few, while the many good posters on here fade into the shadows or log off. Shame.
It'll be interesting to see what the attendance is at the swamp tonight seeing as the purchase of home League Cup tickets, unlike the Champions League and FA Cup, is voluntary for season ticket holders. In their last title winning season the rags' official attendance for the Newcastle League Cup game was 46,358 (29,000 empty seats) while the GMP figure was 33,409 (42,000 empty seats).
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