United Thread 2015/16

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Walking through city airport today and saw pisscan's book on display out the front of a shop. I picked my nose and wiped it on one of the covers. I know, it's childish, but it felt good. Missus went apeshit.
There isn't any discussion on the United thread, just abuse. I find it astounding that after 48 hours of merciless slagging regarding the attendance, I post 3 pictures from an Ipswich forum to offer an opposing view, and I am the one trying to wind you lot up!!! That's like throwing breeze blocks at someone for 2 days, then having a strop when they throw a pebble back. I'm more than happy to have a discussion, and exchange viewpoints, but most just want to have a cheap pop. How dare I stick up for myself! Be sure to let me know next time you come on, so I can bow down at your feet.

I'm away now for a few pints, hope Spurs give you a spanking ;)

You're a fucking hypocrite.

You come on to the principal Manchester City forum to tell us we're all obsessed with the rags.

Find a dictionary and look up the word 'irony'.
There isn't any discussion on the United thread, just abuse. I find it astounding that after 48 hours of merciless slagging regarding the attendance, I post 3 pictures from an Ipswich forum to offer an opposing view, and I am the one trying to wind you lot up!!! That's like throwing breeze blocks at someone for 2 days, then having a strop when they throw a pebble back. I'm more than happy to have a discussion, and exchange viewpoints, but most just want to have a cheap pop. How dare I stick up for myself! Be sure to let me know next time you come on, so I can bow down at your feet.

I'm away now for a few pints, hope Spurs give you a spanking ;)

The fact is that you respond selectively to points raised on here particularly when it comes to the darker side of United's history. You brushed off the vile treatment of the Munich survivors and their families with a glib remark about it not being a unique situation for the time because the 50s were a period of austerity when footballers were badly paid and tied to unfair contracts. Your insensitivity made it sound like you don't give a shit and your lack of self awareness prevented you from seeing that your comment was as irrelevant as it was offensive. You also failed to justify the reason why your club did the sum total of fuck all for these ex-players and their families all through the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s (apart from ripping them off by raiding the 1998 benefit match fund to pay Cantona £90,000 in 'expenses') through to the present day.

In response to your glib post referred to above I replied with established facts with quotes about the Munich families which you sidetracked completely because it had your club bang to rights. In case you missed it I'm reposting it below. I await your comments.

"This post could have been written by the revisionist propaganda department at the swamp. He's a typical rag who has at best a patchy knowledge of his own club's history coupled with a selective memory.

For a start he can't even spell Eddie Colman's name correctly and Tommy Taylor was 26 so hardly "a young boy".

The whole point is that the way the Munich survivors were treated WAS unique. The club had deliberately underinsured the players as a cost saving exercise for a start. What do the maximum wage, contract terms and austerity got to do with anything? Jackie Blanchflower and Johnny Berry were two badly injured survivors among those evicted from club houses and Berry was fired by letter. Only captain Roger Byrne's family was exempted from eviction. On the 10th anniversary of the disaster Mark Jones's widow and son received complimentary tickets for a game. His son said that was the only time the club had contacted them since 1958 and disdained the petty and insulting offer of a couple of tickets 10 years after the event.

In 1998, after the club combined the 40th anniversary Munich benefit match for the families with Cantona's farewell match and then paid him £90,000 in 'expenses' out of the benefit fund, Ray Wood's wife said "We just want the club to give us some dignity Offer some recognition to those who died, who gave their lives for Manchester United and gave birth to a legend. What the plc is doing is immoral, leaving us just as rubbish, simple vermin....Suddenly, the game has become the Eric Cantona roadshow while the survivors are like dancing bears at a circus. I saw those terrible scenes in hospital after the crash. I stayed at Ray's bedside for eight weeks and I was there when Duncan Edwards died....The airline flew us out to Munich and gave us daily expenses. Even my local priest offered help - but there was nothing from United."

At a dinner in 1998 Bobby Charlton was giving a speech in which he said not a day goes by that he doesn't think of his friends who died at Munich when Harry Gregg shouted down the table "Then why the fuck haven't you done anything for them all these years?" (At that time Charlton had been a director at United for 14 years).

There are plenty of other stories about the gobshite way the club treated other survivors including Albert Scanlon and Kenny Morgans.

Your vile club has cynically and relentlessly milked this tragedy for naked commercial gain for 58 years. Even for the 50th anniversary derby it was agreed that both teams and their mascots would turn out in plain 1958 style shirts with no sponsor's name. What did the rags do? They sent their mascots out in full AIG kit. They also plastered an AIG logo on the official 50th anniversary banner.

And you think all this is somehow normal or excusable."
There isn't any discussion on the United thread, just abuse. I find it astounding that after 48 hours of merciless slagging regarding the attendance, I post 3 pictures from an Ipswich forum to offer an opposing view, and I am the one trying to wind you lot up!!! That's like throwing breeze blocks at someone for 2 days, then having a strop when they throw a pebble back. I'm more than happy to have a discussion, and exchange viewpoints, but most just want to have a cheap pop. How dare I stick up for myself! Be sure to let me know next time you come on, so I can bow down at your feet.

I'm away now for a few pints, hope Spurs give you a spanking ;)

Fingers crossed the pipes in the hovel you drink in are contaminated and you get the shits.
There isn't any discussion on the United thread, just abuse. I find it astounding that after 48 hours of merciless slagging regarding the attendance, I post 3 pictures from an Ipswich forum to offer an opposing view, and I am the one trying to wind you lot up!!! That's like throwing breeze blocks at someone for 2 days, then having a strop when they throw a pebble back. I'm more than happy to have a discussion, and exchange viewpoints, but most just want to have a cheap pop. How dare I stick up for myself! Be sure to let me know next time you come on, so I can bow down at your feet.

I'm away now for a few pints, hope Spurs give you a spanking ;)
How's this racist fuck isn't banned yet.

Fuck you and your club run by new world order propaganda bitches.

You sing about us having 20,000 empty seats? Hiw about your 50,000 emtpy seats that day? How about your photo shopped pictures against real madrid in pre season. One good thing you did was actually making our rival weak by keeping De Gea. And boy you know which rival I'm talking about here.

We actually were and are sad by injury to Shaw which tells you we aren't as nuts as you rags and Merseyside inbreds. You bastards on the other hand celebrate when Yaya goes to afcon.

Fuck off to a Rag forum, I doubt you'd have fun arguing with 20,000 indian clerks and 4000 terrorists from Pakistan occupying 90% of that forum of yours.
There isn't any discussion on the United thread, just abuse. I find it astounding that after 48 hours of merciless slagging regarding the attendance, I post 3 pictures from an Ipswich forum to offer an opposing view, and I am the one trying to wind you lot up!!! That's like throwing breeze blocks at someone for 2 days, then having a strop when they throw a pebble back. I'm more than happy to have a discussion, and exchange viewpoints, but most just want to have a cheap pop. How dare I stick up for myself! Be sure to let me know next time you come on, so I can bow down at your feet.

I'm away now for a few pints, hope Spurs give you a spanking ;)

Firstly – you are a rag on a CITY forum... one you spend an awful lot of time on... people in glass houses and all that!
Now I think you'll find that as forums go, we are actually very easygoing – just have a look how your lot over on RedCafe treat the few blues that venture on their in good faith (or fans of any other club for that matter), RAWK is the same story, so be grateful for the civility you're shown.

So your post – there isn't any discussion? Well there won't be when every point you've raised has been completely shot to pieces by people far more knowledgable than you – you're reaction to having your points complete destroyed is to change the subject... when that subject is exposed as bullshit you move on again... etc. etc.
You are the kind of weak-minded person that finds themselves drawn to United, you believe every single bit of PR bollocks the club spoon feeds you which you then recite on forums like ours, but the thing is it sticks out like a sore thumb – it is a set of clichés that we see rolled out time and time again, we could tell you what arguments or points you'll raise before you even say them... the saddest thing is you seem to genuinely believe your own bullshit because your club has told you it's true... but again it has been proven on here how the very club itself and a certain ex-manager are lying through their teeth on a constant basis!

As for your attendance the other night – quite simply you were over 20,000 down, doesn't matter how many images you cherry pick to try to prove a point... sorry because you've obviously spent a lot of time looking for them, but photos posted all over twitter and forums by your own fans prove how many empty seats there were.
I don't want to bang on about it too much because truth is us blues don't really care if we have empty seats or if you do, but your mob are making a point of it as it's pretty much the only stick you have left to try and beat us with... but if you are going to use that line be damn sure your ground is full every game... and if you're going to try and use that argument yourself it may have carried some weight if it weren't for the fact you were sat in your grubby bedroom watching the match on a stream instead of actually going to the game – are you even from Manchester for fucks sake?!
Can't believe so many blues are taking the bait from this wum. You're going to feel right twats when it turns out he's a fourteen year old cyber warrior that's never been to a match.
Can't believe so many blues are taking the bait from this wum. You're going to feel right twats when it turns out he's a fourteen year old cyber warrior that's never been to a match.
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