United Thread 2015/16

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Mike Doyle looks so scared at 10.15 in.
Great rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone by the rag diehards at 11.40 ish in.... The rivalry was so intense they even adopted the Liverpool anthem.

What the yoonitey fans are claiming is all true.................in their heads.
Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it and that is something that fits many United fans down to a T. Which is rather ironic considering they have the neck to call us liars.

Latest one that a mate told me about was some woman at his works going on about empty seats showing him a pic from Facebook that was allegedly from Saturday's game against West Ham with the title "30 minutes into the game" and on it there were indeed a lot of empty seats. Her sister-in-law (a Rag) reckoned she was at the game on a freebie and testified to it's authenticity. Trouble is, despite it being "30 minutes into the game" there are no players on the pitch and 2 goal nets at one end!

I've seen rags posting pics similar to this on facebook,but when the silly fucker took the picture from the TV,he'd left the match time in the top corner,showing it was 3 mins into time added on.
This empty seats crap is their last line of defense. Even then, they might have to start looking closer to home on that one. Oh and making shit up in their autobiographies(I'm lookin at you Piss-can).

Mike Doyle looks so scared at 10.15 in.
Great rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone by the rag diehards at 11.40 ish in.... The rivalry was so intense they even adopted the Liverpool anthem.

What the yoonitey fans are claiming is all true.................in their heads.

LOl. No one wanted to even look at Mike Doyle! It was like he was out for a Sunday afternoon stroll in the park!
On the BBC Gossip this morning....

The live television episode of Coronation Street could be disrupted by the roar of supporters at Old Trafford when Manchester United play Ipswich Town. The studios and stadium are just 0.7 miles apart.
(Daily Mirror)

Must be a lot of Ipswich fans going then!!
Around 4,500
Keylar navas cried tears of relief when he didn't have to join utd.
De maria has a smile on his face every day now he's left utd.
LOl. No one wanted to even look at Mike Doyle! It was like he was out for a Sunday afternoon stroll in the park!
More like Moses and the parting of the sea.
In response to the rivalry between rags and istrepool,it's more a case on which set of fans wanted to look more like the bay city rollers.
The arguments put forward by United fans on here as to why Liverpool, and not City, are United's "real" rivals are fundamentally ignoring/misrepresenting/misunderstanding what the term "rivals" actually means, from a true footballing perspective. They've manipulated rivals to mean "the team at the time who you are directly challenging for trophies". Well, yes, that's A type of rival, but clearly it's not the type of "rival" we're talking about here. Our rival this season is most likely to be Chelsea (poor start not withstanding), however we wouldn't begin to compare the rivalry between City and Chelsea with that which exists between City and United. If Chelsea are our closest rival, on the pitch, for the next decade then sure the "rivalry" will likely intensify and become more important to us, but again, it still won't match that which exists between the two Manchester clubs.

The reason many view Liverpool as United's real rival, ahead of City, is down to modern football and how it has changed the game, and those who watch it. English football has become more inclusive, the amount of fans a club can claim are "local" to the side has, as a percentage, decreased exponentially over the last few decades. If you were to work out how many United fans were from Greater Manchester in the 1960's, and then try and establish the percentage form 2015 then you'd discover that now it's a substantially smaller value. The same is true for all clubs, although United's supporter base is likely more diverse than many. Fans who are not "local", who have never been to Manchester, and have no affinity with the City, just a liking for the football team, will not view "rivalry" in the same way. They don't care about the history, they don't care about local bragging rights, they care about who can stop them winning things. They also care about what the media, which too has changed the face of modern football, tells them to care about. SKY, and other media outlets, have pushed the United v Liverpool "rivalry" for their own benefit, they call it a derby when it categorically is not one. It's a rivalry that has been bolstered, it's a rivalry that has been artificially supported and advertised. Of course there was a degree of rivalry before these modern influences came to bear, in the same way as there was a degree of rivalry in the hooligan filled decades of the 70's and 80's between many sides competing within football. United's quest to "catch" Liverpool's trophy haul will also have added to this, regardless of outside influence.

No-one is trying to claim that there isn't a rivalry between United and Liverpool, however it would be idiotic to try and claim that the current rivalry that exists has always been there, that it was the same in the 1950's, or the 1960's. In footballing terms the United v Liverpool rivalry is a "modern phenomenon", if it hadn't been for Ferguson constantly stoking the fires, the media buying into that for their own purposes (having a rivalry between the likes of United and Liverpool can be nothing but beneficial for TV companies when it comes to interest in football), and the makeup of your average "football fan" changing fundamentally over the last couple of decades then this rivalry would have waned with Liverpool's drop from footballing relevance. The reasons the rivalry is still perceived to be fierce, despite Liverpool being no real threat for at least a decade, and probably longer, is because the rivalry serves a purpose, a financial purpose, to many groups. If you tell someone something often enough they eventually assume it must be true, they buy into it, and they find their own thoughts on the matter are infected by it.
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