United Thread 2015/16

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Just spotted this on Twitter;

I guess the irony was a little lost on him/her! Any of you lot on Twitter care to, er, put him/her right on one or two issues? I would, but I'm not on Twitter (no friends, see?).

i guess the irony was a little lost on you, what with you not being on twitter yet you having just spotted this on twitter.
i guess the irony was a little lost on you, what with you not being on twitter yet you having just spotted this on twitter.
Sorry? I often browse on there. Among the sea of shite is the odd useful bit of information or the odd funny comment (as above). I don't feel the need to register on there so I can post comments. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp, honestly.
Sorry? I often browse on there. Among the sea of shite is the odd useful bit of information or the odd funny comment (as above). I don't feel the need to register on there so I can post comments. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp, honestly.
come on bro. i was just teasing you.
I did express my opinion. It was underwhelming as I said in my first post, I mentioned it in my second post, and now the third time here. http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/underwhelmed

I guess it's a matter of semantics that I'm not aware of. Best we move on.

Underwhelming - it was a f*cking disgraceful and spineless performance - enough semantics in that for you ?

Over and out !
I see they've been offered another player from Spain - it's Valencia this time offering them Andre What is their fucking secret, they were being offered someone from Real Madrid the other week. Lucky fuckers, they don't even need scouts..
Underwhelming - it was a f*cking disgraceful and spineless performance - enough semantics in that for you ?

Over and out !

Well you did ask if I was unhappy with the performance, and I did answer I was underwhelmed

What's the point of asking it in the first place if the only answer you want to accept is that of your own. Not trying to rile you up. I'll give you spineless performance yes I would agree to that. But embarassed by it no, just underwhelmed, unhappy, displeased.
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CBB do the thread a favour and don't reply. I have just read through the last dozen or so pages and you seem to have diverted the thread from its topic. You can pop over to 'Well done boss' or many others to make the points you seem determined to - you are spoiling this thread IMO
One thing stood out for me from the Liverpool shambles:

"This team will be a bit different next season, it is clear," said Klopp. "We will do something with transfers."

Just how are Utd and Chelsea going to rebuild their squads without Champions League football and in what will be the biggest transfer window spend of all time? Everyone has cheque books now, and the proposition of playing for Chelsea or Man Utd isn't as great as it was.

Man Utd fans focussed all season on LVG, but it's clear to me that the problems are so much deeper. If De Gea goes, that creates a huge hole, and their midfield is non-existent. Schweinsteiger is finished. So is Carrick. So if Rooney. Herrera just gives fouls away. mata is too slow and lightweight. Fellaini is their best man but to get the best out of him you have to play him further forward and Utd fans rightly wont tolerate that. They have no wingers to speak of: Valencia, Young and Depay???!!!! Smalling defends by Octopus tactics which have been rumbled. The one bright spark is martial and possibly Rashford. Over-hyped but they might have something

Overall they have never been in a weaker position and they are going to find it very very difficult standing out in what will be a very expensive transfer window.
Not enough is said about schweinsteiger. The scum got fucking mugged there big time. Was it a loan or transfer?
They are quickly becoming the destination of choice for ageing superstars in decline or with career ending injuries.
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