United Thread 2015/16

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But my personal favourite:

"We have to take care of that, but nevertheless, when everybody was fit we were first in the league, and these are the facts."

Would have won the league if it wasn't for injuries, don't you know?

Let's hope they fall for it.

Did the turtle actually come out with that bullshit? The rags were top for a total of 8 days while injury ravaged City were top for 100 days. Even Palace were second for 16 days, only one day short of the rags.

Just a thought ... how many top european players have the rags been "linked with", "close to signing", "on the hit list" in the last two months and which of these superstars will even give them a thought now there's no Champions League. We all know that players have short memories and look after themselves so do they honestly think that they have any chance of any of their targets. Next year if they fail to qualify again the top players will say "Manchester who ?".
Just a thought ... how many top european players have the rags been "linked with", "close to signing", "on the hit list" in the last two months and which of these superstars will even give them a thought now there's no Champions League. We all know that players have short memories and look after themselves so do they honestly think that they have any chance of any of their targets. Next year if they fail to qualify again the top players will say "Manchester who ?".
I'm hoping their window will start with Real taking their keeper. That will set the tone nicely.
Just spotted this on Twitter;

I guess the irony was a little lost on him/her! Any of you lot on Twitter care to, er, put him/her right on one or two issues? I would, but I'm not on Twitter (no friends, see?).
We also count season ticket holders in our published figures

The rags have 55,000 S/T holders in a stadium with a capacity of 75,500. They claimed an attendance of about 74,363, a mere 1,000 below capacity. So while counting the 55,000 S/T holders in the official attendance they're saying there were close to 20,000 non S/T holders who turned up last night. Seeing as the actual attendance wasn't much above 35,000 (apart from acres of space all over the ground the top tier of the GPC stand was deserted) how do they reconcile this?
Did the turtle actually come out with that bullshit? The rags were top for a total of 8 days while injury ravaged City were top for 100 days. Even Palace were second for 16 days, only one day short of the rags.

Ah, yes. But the rest of us live in the real world. Those fuckers live in some kind of alternate reality, where the swamp is ALWAYS jam-packed regardless of what the real figures say. Fellaini has never ever been a dirty player who elbows opponents, Rooney has never once argued with an official about a decision, the Ginger Pig never once set out to harm an opposing player, Giggs has never had eyes for another woman, and Young (alongside every single player who has ever represented the vermin since Satan spawned the club) has never in the entire history of football dived to try and win a dodgy penalty.
On the contrary. The club has been a shining example of integrity, fairness, honesty and humility: a lesson us mere mortals should learn from.
The rags have 55,000 S/T holders in a stadium with a capacity of 75,500. They claimed an attendance of about 74,363, a mere 1,000 below capacity. So while counting the 55,000 S/T holders in the official attendance they're saying there were close to 20,000 non S/T holders who turned up last night. Seeing as the actual attendance wasn't much above 35,000 (apart from acres of space all over the ground the top tier of the GPC stand was deserted) how do they reconcile this?
They painted their mascots blue in order to promote their new film. What a soulless institution it is.
Those mascots should just be thankful they didn't have bombs attached to them to get the game called off (all sponsored by some plastic explosives company).
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