Having reflected on what I saw on MOTD last night I’m struck by really how far they have fallen. I think the United of old would have seen Ronaldo as the player they deserve, a player befitting of their “stature and achievements” who is privileged to wear the shirt. As it is, they seem so pathetically grateful he’s turned up (and their cuckold mentality means they turn a blind eye to the fact he offered it on a plate to us first). Also it’s just full level hysterical hero/messiah worship - I guess they’ve had so little to celebrate in recent years that they’ve latched on to this. Problem is, what about the first time he lets them down or doesn’t deliver? How does that impact the team and how do the fans react (especially when the paper boy is all weak the knees with him too)? No individual should be bigger than a club. My prediction: they might win the FA cup at best and they’ll be happy with that.
Meanwhile, we in 5th billing on MOTD with the likes of Bernardo (can you imagine more of a polar opposite character to “CR7”) continue stealthily grafting away and taking the points, in slightly tense 1-0 fashion if need be. I think we’ll be there or thereabouts in the PL and CL again this season and we’ve got the perfect smokescreen to go unnoticed for a bit.