United Thread - 2022/23

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I can’t work out why you just keep lying about this?

Says who? Because the people who track these things have his net worth as $13Bn (Forbes) or £15bn (British papers) in 2022

No he hasn’t! This is just entirely made up. He’s said via his spokesman he’d like to buy a minority stake with the view to increasing it later. That’s not “no interest in a minority stake”

The story is that the richest man in the country has said he’d like to invest in United and their owners are open to it.

I can’t get my head around why you, and one or two others, have to go through insane mental gymnastics to deny the story is real and something might happen. Last night you were genuinely trying to argue that a United are such a great investment the Glazers could never sell, and that they’re such a shit investment no one would ever buy!

It’s not that big a deal! You don’t need to be scared and go into denial.

It probably won’t happen, if it does it’s not going to bring back the 90s, but the story is incredibly well sourced and confirmed by people representing the parties so it’s real, you can stop pretending it’s a newspaper hoax to get clicks off United fans.

Or as you tried to tell everyone last night “anonymous sources telling half pissed journalists”.
Google him, Bloomberg say his net worth is 5.96 billion.
The rest I will leave with you except for one final thing. Don't call me a liar. It makes you look pathetic.
We might be here all day. Google him, Bloomers say his net worth is 5.96 billion.
The rest I will leave with you except for one final thing. Don't call me a liar. It makes you look pathetic.

Well stop making shit up then! It’s not that fucking hard.
They have to either sell now, or buckle up because of the upcoming fuckery this winter.

If the economy continue to contract at the rate it's doing, and if Putin is still a ****, this winter will be tough on the world stage.

Of course most of us don't know that much economic information as to properly discuss this ****'s riches, but as seen in previous years flouting billions in a fucked up economy is a mad man's game.

This either means they get sold now, as in this month, or the Yanks buckle up waiting for the next SL project.
I can't help but think that the glazers are just hedging their bets here.

If I was the owner, id probably sell some shares now to offset the loss on my investment should the club continue to fail to get CL football which as we all know means loss of revenue and some of their commercial sponsorship deals significantly reduce if they fail to have 2 consecutive seasons of no CL football

I can't see the glazers selling completely unless a ridiculous offer is made.

Put it simply, the family are still getting a decent yield on their investment and in todays world of high inflation, and low ish interest rates, where else are they going to put their cash from this sale that generates a better return.

I think this a smart move by them.
Hello, what is this all about? Genuine question. Don't follow chemicals ....

View attachment 53152

Looks like the United share price .....
Polymers and resins... as in the constituents of plastics? The guy makes plastics... very appropriate for the Rags haha

Also, they bang on about HR etc., but want a guy who's partially responsible for fucking up the world?
The other aspect that VIRTUALLY no one speaks about is the skeletons in the closets. If the Yanks are open to selling, with that much debt loaded on the club, there is something fishy as fuck going on over there. 17 years and you just chilled, and all of a sudden you're like "Yeah boys, open season, show me the moneeeey".

Interesting as well, 17 years, 600 million debt. I wonder what shite are the yanks hiding in the basement.
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