United Thread - 2022/23

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I can’t work out why you just keep lying about this?

Says who? Because the people who track these things have his net worth as $13Bn (Forbes) or £15bn (British papers) in 2022

No he hasn’t! This is just entirely made up. He’s said via his spokesman he’d like to buy a minority stake with the view to increasing it later. That’s not “no interest in a minority stake”

The story is that the richest man in the country has said he’d like to invest in United and their owners are open to it.

I can’t get my head around why you, and one or two others, have to go through insane mental gymnastics to deny the story is real and something might happen. Last night you were genuinely trying to argue that a United are such a great investment the Glazers could never sell, and that they’re such a shit investment no one would ever buy!

It’s not that big a deal! You don’t need to be scared and go into denial.

It probably won’t happen, if it does it’s not going to bring back the 90s, but the story is incredibly well sourced and confirmed by people representing the parties so it’s real, you can stop pretending it’s a newspaper hoax to get clicks off United fans.

Or as you tried to tell everyone last night “anonymous sources telling half pissed journalists”.
These companies can yoyo how much they want, it's not actual capital it's just speculative. #

As an F1 fan, I can tell you long life Merc Fans, were very unhappy with his 33% stake when it happened. They were calling him a bad mojo, and in general a very bad owner in sporting. ( see historical failures )

It was a bad sign, and personally I still don't get his investment at that level. Now he wants another stake in the scums. Started smelling like actual money laundering.

Understand it's mostly just a valuation of a private group based on earnings and comparable company multiples, I was just asking in view of the discrepancy in Ratcliffe's net worth from people on here, not to mention accusations of lying. Do we think Bloomberg have got that right, and his net worth has halved in a year?

Not sure it makes sense, but it would explain why people are using different numbers .....
He's worth 4 billion not 12. If he bought he would have to borrow. He has stated he has no interest in owning a minority stake.
The Glazers have said they might sell a minority stake so where is the story ?
God knows how much he’s got someone on here said 30 billion yesterday. Either way they’re fucked
Didn't the glazers come out and say last time it kicked off and say they will not be bullied into selling and will not put the club not up for sale,

like any good football club, it's time to come out fighting and earn your points the right way,
but the trouble with them cunts over the road is they have been hand fed for years, given everything possible by the officials to make life so easy and (dare you upset the apple cart)

simple answer to the problem
when somebody challenges you to a fight, you stand up and bloody fight, not phone mummy all the time,
crying bitches want to take their ball home because little old city are better than them,

they will never learn and want change all the time when it goes tits up, it's all the glazers fault ?
Sorry it's not, it's the players that can not face being 2nd best because they have been told they are world-class all the time in the media, sorry world-class players earn the right to be called world-class on the pitch and not because of a badge or club they play for,

time for the truth
it's over at united your time has gone, learn to deal with it and face up, the better players don't want to play for you any more ? So you need to stop thinking you're the mighty united and badge means something to players
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