United Thread - 2022/23

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I don't think this really holds up, they've given the club 9 years since the Moyes debacle and not really got out of hand.

If anything they've been too patient, and too susceptible to getting carried away when things go well for a month and dropping all their protests.
Yep. There is a core of support there who have been consistent with their protests and opposition to the Glazers, many of whom did a good job of resisting the Murdoch takeover, but many of them ended up at FC United. Fair play to them. But let's be honest 90% of those protesting would have been right into the club shop buying Ronaldo shirts last summer and talking up their title challenge having been furious about the ESL a few months before. Glazers know how easy it is to placate that lot with a shiny bauble.
I don't think this really holds up, they've given the club 9 years since the Moyes debacle and not really got out of hand.

If anything they've been too patient, and too susceptible to getting carried away when things go well for a month and dropping all their protests.

The point is they think they have a divine right to a trophy every year - minimum!

I'm sorry, but no one does, absolutely no one. These things have to be earned. By the team, on the pitch. You don't earn them by having the biggest crowds, or the best history, or the most noodle sponsors.

These cnuts whine about how hard done to they are, when they haven't as much as finished in the bottom half.So for the last nine years, United have had constant resets. They have brought in a range of different managers, no two of whom have had the same philosophy. They have signed every big name going to appease the deluded fans, especially anyone linked with City. All the discontent had done has ensured that the club is in a state of continual revolution. No stability. No real progress.

On their logic, we should have been rioting every year from the second coming of Allison to the second season of Pep. In fact some seasons we should have razed the whole of fucking Manchester to the ground.
Why anybody would pay £5billion for them, knowing the amount of money they will need ? It's not a pot noddle and going to be an instant success, 10 years is needed, then Manchester city would still be improving each year, also Liverpool Chelsea, even Newcastle, that's without taking into account arsenal and spurs,

you need to be a very good club with a foundation built around the future and not the pasted
Are you referring to the GPC there, or is it a result of productive ticks?

Didn't the glazers come out and say last time it kicked off and say they will not be bullied into selling and will not put the club not up for sale,

like any good football club, it's time to come out fighting and earn your points the right way,
but the trouble with them cunts over the road is they have been hand fed for years, given everything possible by the officials to make life so easy and (dare you upset the apple cart)

simple answer to the problem
when somebody challenges you to a fight, you stand up and bloody fight, not phone mummy all the time,
crying bitches want to take their ball home because little old city are better than them,

they will never learn and want change all the time when it goes tits up, it's all the glazers fault ?
Sorry it's not, it's the players that can not face being 2nd best because they have been told they are world-class all the time in the media, sorry world-class players earn the right to be called world-class on the pitch and not because of a badge or club they play for,

time for the truth
it's over at united your time has gone, learn to deal with it and face up, the better players don't want to play for you any more ? So you need to stop thinking you're the mighty united and badge means something to players

I must admit, football as it is the EPL, is the best in world. Its isn't the best team sport, that is a dead heat between Rugby Union and Rugby League and Boxing is the best individual sport I have been part of.
We as blues have that esprit de corps about us. We have developed a sense of self deprecating humour, that few other teams supports have.
The rags haven't (apart from Tate and the flying pig) any sense of humour and have been basking in the reflective glory, without breaking sweat to earn that glory. They have no perspective, these two articles show what it is to be a supporter.

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It's going to be a bit chaotic round the swamp on Monday evening, the Dippers finishing work early so they can get there in time to smash up a coach,before forcing their way into the scaffolding yard lookalike ,to find it mt, so no one to assault ,whilst the swampetes are wailing and chanting outside,wishing the Uncle Malc will spend another 1billion.
Have you thought this through?

Money is not the solution.
Give a million quid to a cretin and he will piss it up the wall and be left with nowt in no time.
The Rags need exceptional management at all levels. Then money (lots of it). Then time. (Which all evidence suggests the fans will not give them.)
Verily, they are fucked.
BTW, I doubt Mr Ratcliffe is Gandhi. He's a billionaire tax dodger who lives in Monte Carlo to avoid contributing to the UK. I know little of him, but what I do know suggests he's not a particularly pleasant individual and I very much doubt he will run the Rags as a charity - if he buys them.
I have it on good authority from 2 sources that Ineos are not that great to deal with. Ratcliffe is a hard-nosed businessman. Why would he throw away his hard earned net worth on that basket case?
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