United Thread - 2022/23

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For Monday evening I have bought myself a packet of Cornish Clotted Cream Fudge and a large bar of Galaxy for during the ‘game’!
Then a lovely mug of Horlicks to take to bed with me!! ;-)
I've got a lovely salsa dip in the fridge that is crying out for a big bag of Dorito's.

I might ask the missus to do a light tea and then settle down for the shit show armed with my snacks.
WAtching the 93:20 again, because you have to right?
And I fucking love, LOVE Fergie's absolute slapped arse of a face when Sunderland's fans are cheering and he then meekly turns around and claps his players knowing they'd lost it.

I cannot accurately express how happy that entire thing makes me, it's one of the happiest memories in my life and I swear to god even when I'm losing all my memories, that one will still be making me smile.

Fuck you Fergie and Fuck you United, now and forever.
He's worth 4 billion not 12. If he bought he would have to borrow. He has stated he has no interest in owning a minority stake.
The Glazers have said they might sell a minority stake so where is the story ?

And its on paper, so unlike the boss, its not in currency holdings
WAtching the 93:20 again, because you have to right?
And I fucking love, LOVE Fergie's absolute slapped arse of a face when Sunderland's fans are cheering and he then meekly turns around and claps his players knowing they'd lost it.

I cannot accurately express how happy that entire thing makes me, it's one of the happiest memories in my life and I swear to god even when I'm losing all my memories, that one will still be making me smile.

Fuck you Fergie and Fuck you United, now and forever.

I remember rat boy saying afterwards, when Stanley Jones looked gobsmacked (snigger), that "he'll have plenty of titles to celebrate in the future".
WAtching the 93:20 again, because you have to right?
And I fucking love, LOVE Fergie's absolute slapped arse of a face when Sunderland's fans are cheering and he then meekly turns around and claps his players knowing they'd lost it.

I cannot accurately express how happy that entire thing makes me, it's one of the happiest memories in my life and I swear to god even when I'm losing all my memories, that one will still be making me smile.

Fuck you Fergie and Fuck you United, now and forever.
I love the grin on Park Ji-Sung's face.
God knows how much he’s got someone on here said 30 billion yesterday. Either way they’re fucked

But its holdings and assets. I doubt he's more than £100 million in liquid assets as he wouldn't be earning anything from them. So if it did happen it would be leveraged in some way and simply more of the same. Triple's and trebles all round!
All this speculation about a billionaires wealth, like people have seen the numbers in his post office account :)
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