United Thread | 2024/25

Talkragshite on the radio for the drive over to the game hopefully a good start to the day and the opportunity to sing a little song about them losing & us winning a bit later.
I said the same to Mrs Vienna.

She replied that will be OK, as long as I don’t crash the car, when the ref awards the rags a dodgy penalty.
In fun news:
Currently near Guildford at a very nice festival called Weyfest… saw 1 city top on a child on Thursday (and me), saw a Chelsea top yesterday. Today , they’re all out, well I’ve seen 2, and talked to one (without shirt)…
Got randomly chatting about the festival , then he asked where i was from ‘Manchester’ (seems I’m the only one here).. ‘manchester, so .. red or blue?’ (Note at this point it really hadn’t dawned on me that he would be a united fan in their natural habitat), ‘City, obviously, as we’re the only team in Manchester’
‘Oh well we’re top of the league!’
‘Ah you’re united… of course … I’m in Surrey… and you’re not top … dont say it, don’t say it.. Brighton are’
‘Oh… didn’t know that… anyway cantona is a legend’
‘Really? Mr kung fu?’
‘The man who took the Munich charity for 250k?’
‘Yeah 250k and I presume you knew about the appalling treatment of the Munich families by united?’
‘Err what?’
‘You really don’t know United do you. Or that you bought the league?’
‘No that’s you!’
‘No, you floated on stock exchange, then you were valued at £20m for Knighton takeover and then spent that the next season on new players’

At this point his poor wife admitted she hated football, and I agreed, ‘so does your husband it seems’

A very satisfying chat at the end of a great 3rd night of the festival.
Top berting!
Mid-day comedy on TNT on Saturday - Brighton v Scum.
If Mitomo's up for it - even Welbeck - could be hilarious.
Fingers crossed, hey, and they tumble down to where they belong.

They're back, haven't you heard?
Corner turned.
Back on track.
Consolidation season completed and a resounding success.
Second most successful team in the country at the moment.
Top four in the bag.
Brand spanking new tax payer super duper stadium incoming.
Zebra pants back in the wardrobe.
This is manches nytid we're talking about.

As you were Blues.
Hopefully they struggle at Brighton.

Brighton will press them relentlessly, and are also really good at bypassing a press too (and United tend to be able to keep up their counter-pressing for a while before they tire).

Brighton really could run them ragged. They have good, intelligent, technical and tactically-adept players who can really play through the lines and expose the flaws in whatever this system is that United are trying to play (like I say, right now, it looks a very weak imitation of Klopp's style at Liverpool's best).

Hopefully Brighton administer a beating anyway. I still maintain that United were fortunate against Fulham despite what xG said (it can be a flawed metric sometimes, and is more useful over a period of time than in one-off games). Fulham showed enough to tell us that the rags' weaknesses are still there. Just need some teams to expose them.
It would appear that the rags have been gazzumped by Fulham:

Of course, the stories about Berge going to the swamp could have clickbait bullshit.
They were making videos about what an excellent player he was - they didn't care about him three weeks ago then their fans started going on about how he was perfect for them based on some very misleading YouTube tactical analysis videos.

Very strange behaviour to talk up every single player who is linked (they do the same with de Ligt for example). You know if these players were going to Liverpool they'd have a very different opinion. I expect their fans will stop talking about Berge now he is going to Fulham.

No disrespect to Berge, but mid-table is probably his maximum level. He wasn't likely to be good enough for a team vying for top four (as United probably see themselves as).

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