United vs. City Pre Match Thread

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Hopefully you can get up for this, like my lot did in our Derby last week. (They only time they ever do).
In your favour, I think the Rags will attack you, leaving space in front of their defence for Merlin to play in.
Nasri needs to get his dummy out and do what he's good at, ie moving the ball quickly etc

My heart says...Rags 0 City 9,
My head says Rags 1 City 3

C'mon, uphold the honour of the rest of the country and take these tw@ts down.
Cant believe people are going for toure in a 2 man centre midfield. Been saying all season we need a midfield 3 of fern, fern2, with toure advanced behind aguero. Think back to de jong, barry, toure. give yaya the free role and keep solid with 2 holding CMs. Toure has been hung out to dry by pellegrini all season in a midfield 2 which he just isnt suited to anymore. 442 = game over. Utds midfield is non existent but wil walk right through us just like many inferior teams have done this season
Stockport mackem said:
Hopefully you can get up for this, like my lot did in our Derby last week. (They only time they ever do).
In your favour, I think the Rags will attack you, leaving space in front of their defence for Merlin to play in.
Nasri needs to get his dummy out and do what he's good at, ie moving the ball quickly etc

My heart says...Rags 0 City 9,
My head says Rags 1 City 3

C'mon, uphold the honour of the rest of the country and take these tw@ts down.

If we fail you good honorable sir i shall sacrifice 100 hipsters and paint the northern quarter red.

I want us to do them with clinical undertones and a dash of fuck you red cunts!
I best calm down here i'm bang up for this and i am sure we will do the fuckers as i can be.
MR.X said:
Cant believe people are going for toure in a 2 man centre midfield. Been saying all season we need a midfield 3 of fern, fern2, with toure advanced behind aguero. Think back to de jong, barry, toure. give yaya the free role and keep solid with 2 holding CMs. Toure has been hung out to dry by pellegrini all season in a midfield 2 which he just isnt suited to anymore. 442 = game over. Utds midfield is non existent but wil walk right through us just like many inferior teams have done this season

People are going for a 2 man mid with yaya and fen not because that'll be the right set out, but because that's what Pellegrini will pick.

Have you not noticed our lineup this season? ;-)
IWasHere said:
MR.X said:
Cant believe people are going for toure in a 2 man centre midfield. Been saying all season we need a midfield 3 of fern, fern2, with toure advanced behind aguero. Think back to de jong, barry, toure. give yaya the free role and keep solid with 2 holding CMs. Toure has been hung out to dry by pellegrini all season in a midfield 2 which he just isnt suited to anymore. 442 = game over. Utds midfield is non existent but wil walk right through us just like many inferior teams have done this season

People are going for a 2 man mid with yaya and fen not because that'll be the right set out, but because that's what Pellegrini will pick.

Have you not noticed our lineup this season? ;-)
Which is the point i was trying to make. Its pellegrini who will decide the outcome of this game simply by the way he sets us up. Tomorow we see if he has what it takes to see what we all see. If hes capable of getting us out of this hole hes led us into
Hope we stuff the Rag T**** but the way we have been playing lately and with so many players out of form it's hard to have any sort of confidence at all.
With Arsenal winning (and going 5pts clear of us), if we lose to the scum tomorrow we will be 4pts behind 3rd place and avoiding a CL qualifier. We do have the 'easier' games left but what is 'easy' for us now? Villa at home, can we consider that easy based on what we've seen this season? A draw is the very least we need to take away from the swamp tomorrow.
FFS time to grow a pair boys. These are shit, we are the champions. They have one tactical masterplan (hoof it to bog brush head) we have footballers in every position, they have fellatio, we have Silva, they have phil jones we have Sergio. Relax and enjoy.
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