Unlucky Ajay, time to reveal yourself as NBC

maineroad68 said:
i remember some bloke saying he'd got a loan of 11k to pay off his mortgage or summat and was considerign putting on kaka signing to get 3k back.

hope for his sake he didnt do it. lunacy for even considering it based on rumours and people saying he's defo coming coz of how hard his team mates hugged him on Saturday night.

He didnt put any money on it.He was on here this morning saying he'd changed his mind.
And if he had put the money on the bet,i for one would have had no sympathy for him whatsoever!
You would have to be mental to put money just on someones say so.
Everyone is upset in their own way at the moment.But nobody deserves to be verbally attacked the way some are with Ajay.
If you beleive Ajay is WUM then fair enough but at least show a little respect.Some of the comments on here are vile and people need to calm down!
I admit i have not been posting on here very long and i would like to say please at least let the guy put his side across.
I believe he posted in good faith and whether his source was the WUM i guess we will never find out.
So lets just get back to normality for a while.
Slate me off if you like but i have had my say on the matter!
SharpesEagle said:
Thank you, ive become so addicted to this site i never seem to get anything done lol

it gets like that. specially when there's big news afoot. it'sobviously been mental over the last week or so. can't wait for us to actually have something for us to go mental over- in a good way of course.
I would say lucky Ajay as he does have access to info. I have loved reading all his posts and am very unhappy that there are an element that seem hell bent on having a go.

Please keep posting Ajay - at the very least it stirs us blues, and goodness knows we need that from time to time!

And yes, I am disappointed about the Kaka deal falling through but like Cook has said - "Milan bottled it." Shame on them, but thanks for making MCFC a name now known across the globe (in places where it wasn't before).
new conspiracy theory:

there was never a realistic prospect of kaka joining. city knew this, milan knew this.

ajay, along with the press, was fed this 'done deal' line to maximise coverage and raise our profile at a time when we are looking to attract players.

everyone's a winner, more or less.

kaka has proved his value in the marketplace. at the same time he undermined his bargaining position because he revealed that actually he couldn't bring himself to leave.

berlusconi demonstrated to the fans how much it costs him to keep a footballer like kaka (the 30m deficit), and made it look like it was his intervention that kept their idol at the club.

city raise their profile massively. for a week the media talked about little else. the greatest footballer on earth coming to our club looked like more than a possibility. other players take us more seriously. even the criticism recieved serves a purpose to galvanise the solidarity at the club. common sense prevails and we dont take the risk of investing an unprecedented amount on a player who is, after all, only human, who could have bombed totally (v. unlikely), been an outright failure tactically (quite possible), or whose overwhelming presence would have been counterproductive to the team spirit (rather likely).
If De Niro is out there lurking I remember reading a little while back that you had a friend who was ITK who claimed that some thing even bigger then the Kaka deal was in motion. Last night you said that you would 'ring their neck' until you were told what it was, or at least give you a clue... So did he/she give any thing up?

Balls as big as boulders, shoulders even broader, chin of steel and man of iron.

I don't know how you can take the stick, I lose the bap quick when called a WUM or RAG. Hey we are all big boys (& girls), we make our own minds up on what to believe or not believe, but surely we all lock away a little thought that "hey this may not come to pass", so we can be man enough to laugh at ourselves when it goes belly up, not seeking to blame or scapegoat others for our stupidity / naivety / lack of circumspection.

Hey I believed you posted in good faith and still do, I don't think the info is 100% everytime, nor could it be, but you do your best. Next time less posts and just prime information on the public posts, better for you.

Brave man, cheers, and do keep going, its a free forum no one forced to read or believe, no need to blame or abuse.

ps: Been fantastically entertaining and good on you for not running, thats what the ITS's wanted.
Ajay don't give up. How can anyone predict anothers feelings and decsion, impossible thanks for the info, thanks for sharing it on here. Given me a lot of pleasure reading all the stuff on here on what would have been a boring night. (not last night obviously)
Ajay, Like I have said before you dont need to defend yourself aginst the small minded idiots.

Anyone with an ounce of reality would realise that you posted in good faith on the information you were given.

I believe this deal fell through because of Milan, after all they were punished only a couple of years ago for corruption. So they do have previous. Anyway, I digress, don't be put off Ajay the majority on here enjoy your insights, and long may they continue.

Thanks for the entertainment.

Ajay, Like I have said before you dont need to defend yourself aginst the small minded idiots.

Anyone with an ounce of reality would realise that you posted in good faith on the information you were given.

I believe this deal fell through because of Milan, after all they were punished only a couple of years ago for corruption. So they do have previous. Anyway, I digress, don't be put off Ajay the majority on here enjoy your insights, and long may they continue.

Thanks for the entertainment.


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