Unlucky Ajay, time to reveal yourself as NBC

Time for Ajay to unmask.


Only kidding. It seems he was kinda right but something 'unexpected' happened which wasn't forseen.
ManCityX is right.

In this situation which didn't just happen overnight, and must have been worked on for some months at least, something untoward must have created a spanner in the works near the 11th hour.

We may never get to the bottom of it, although I think it's pretty clear from all the claims and counter-claims, that somewhere, something wasn't right & people are putting their own spin on it (City in particular).

You cannot hold someone like Ajay responsible for not knowing everything - afterall, who on earth has a divine third eye?

It would seem that in principle a deal was made between all parties concerned, but when it came down to ratifying it maybe Kaka himself had second thoughts and pulled the plug when City & Milan had in principle come to a meeting of the minds. Who knows for sure?

Cook's statement (or whomever put that stuff out on the City site) does seem like a load of whitewash though.

More to the point, I am wondering what the ADUG view is on all of this, and whether Cook & even Hughes might be held accountable in some way.
Petroff said:
rassclot said:
Petroff said:
Ajay is a wum from redissue you poor sods.

you're the fucking wum from ragissue. now kindly fuck off back under your armchair.

It's not my fault you tried to fly before learning to walk. Quick success in football is something I've never witnessed before and probably never will.
And before you say chelsea - they were a decent team that challenges for top places even before abramovic (and even after the russian came they bought wisely)
You stupid manure fan. Go back to your own site. And for f*** sakes, it's Petrov, not Petroff. But I am not surprised that a stupid manure fan would know nothing about football. Tell us, is it a long drive from London?
As I said, I don't hold any grudges against Ajay and the whole thing does not bother me.

Let's all stop slagging off Ajay allright. Leave the lad alone, even I honestly do not believe that he was a WUM, his source was probably just plain and simply wrong and that's all.

Let's move on, we got bigger worries than this right now we should honestly stop fighting amongst ourselves.

The entire fucking world hates this club now, Robinho sulked off to Brazil, don't you think we have bigger issues than Ajay's source being wrong about something?

This was a reality check, we won't be signing superstars yet. Maybe in the summer maybe not, who cares we need to learn how to walk before we try to run.

It's about time we rally and unite against our common enemies so to speak (press, rags, scousers, pretty much everyone who hates us), we can't afford to self-destruct now, so let's do that!

I sincerely hope we will emerge from this stronger than before!
Ajay has bin right about everything, b4 there was tlks of Robbie coming to city he already knew and kaka was suppose to be a city player after ajay announced it but b4 the meeting yesterday ac milan fans were outside the building where the meeting was held protesting and also threatening to kill the owners of ac Milan if kaka was sold

thts y the deal ended
what Garry cook n mark Hughes say on screen is totally different to whats off screen
even if he's pulled off one of the biggest wind ups this board has seen, I've enjoyed his well-crafted, articulate and interesting posts. They certainly beat the usual "my mate works at Manchester Airport and has just texted me to say..." kind of WUM posts.
Why does evryone have to discuss evrything Ajay does? Why can't evryone just form their own opinions and leave it at that? Choose to believe it if you want, if you don't believe it, don't read it, simple as

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