Unreacted Explosives Found in WTC Dust

mammutly said:
Blue Train said:
Anyone remotely seduced by 9/11 conspiracy theories needs to read this, especially the hilarious page 2.


Lazy journalism. The sarcastic critique is just too easy.

Taking the sarcasm out of it and you're left with the important question he was raising. Forget snippets of information that 'don't add up', what DID happen? If it was a conspiracy then there must have been a plan, a plan that worked with unairing accuracy. What was it? The twin towers, the Pentagon, Shanksville, the planes, the missile, the bombs, the collapses, a conspiracy theorist would argue all of these were part of the plot. What plot? Why make it so complex? Why bother with the Pentagon and Shanksville, wouldn't the twin towers be enough? Why blow up the towers, did they really need to collapse to make us 'feel' the seriousness of the issue? If there was a bomb/bombs why bother with the planes in the first place? Why use a missile for the Pentagon when planes were used at the twin towers?

There are far too many questions that conspircay theorists simply can't answer for a conspiracy to be even remotely possible.
Putting aside all theories about controlled demolitions etc I think it is perfectly plausible that there was US involvement in the hijacking/targeting of the planes.

It is laughable that the US Government claim that amongst all that wreckage they found a pretty much unscathed passport which belonged to one of the hijackers. At the very least, whether the US government had any involvement or not in the attacks that was planted evidence. It is not possible in any way that a passport would have survived the impact and fire and then be found amongst the wreckage in a legible state.
what was to gain by planting a passport then, i mean we know the planes were hijacked and flown into the towers and we know who did it by the passenger lists
Who knows, perhaps they wanted more 'evidence' as to who committed the attack. Maybe it was backup evidence they could wheel out when people got suspicious of other evidence.

I don't know. But what I do know is that a passport from on that plane could not have survived the impact/fire/collapse and been found and remained legible. It's just not possible.

Regardless of whether there was anything to gain from it the US authorities did plant that evidence. That alone is proof to me that something untoward has gone on involving inside forces.
mammutly said:
Blue Train said:
Anyone remotely seduced by 9/11 conspiracy theories needs to read this, especially the hilarious page 2.


Lazy journalism. The sarcastic critique is just too easy.

Sarcastic laughter is all these 'theories' merit, and that alone is enough to dismiss their patent absurdity out of hand. But if a thorough and detailed rebuttal is needed, then look no further than the Loose Change Guide, which exposes as fals almost every single line of the major 9/11 conspiracy film.


The Rolling Stone article simply sums it up in one very neat put down. The conspiracy theories just do not add up.
pissedagain said:
what was to gain by planting a passport then, i mean we know the planes were hijacked and flown into the towers and we know who did it by the passenger lists
Some conspiracists will claim the planes weren't hijacked at all, they were flown remotely. This, of course, is pure crap, but that doesn't seem to be an issue when it comes to conspiracies.

If we're ignoring the entire 9/11 day as an entire issue, and speaking purely about individual issues (i.e. like the passport) then my question would be regarding the Pentagon.

Lets just say I accept (which I don't) the view that it was a cruise missile and not a plane that hit the Pentagon. Where's the plane? The plane that, according to the official view of events, hit the Pentagon took off from an American ariport that morning. It had real people on it, crew and passengers, if it didn't end up in a firey mess in Washington then where did it end up? Where did the people go? Is someone really going to try and tell me it was diverted to some secret base/location, that no-one saw this happen, not on the ground or at air traffic control, and that those crew/passengers were then offloaded and either have been held captive for 8 years, or were executed?
masterwig said:
Who knows, perhaps they wanted more 'evidence' as to who committed the attack. Maybe it was backup evidence they could wheel out when people got suspicious of other evidence.

I don't know. But what I do know is that a passport from on that plane could not have survived the impact/fire/collapse and been found and remained legible. It's just not possible.

Regardless of whether there was anything to gain from it the US authorities did plant that evidence. That alone is proof to me that something untoward has gone on involving inside forces.
So the presence of a passport is all that's required to convince you something untoward was happening? That's not a great deal in fairness. In an explosion items are forced away from the epicentre at extreme velocity, the passport may possibly have been thrown from the blast. It may have been quite seriously damaged, but that doesn't mean it was illegible, unrecognisable. Yes, on the face of it, it seems unlikely that such a passport would have been found, the odds are stacked against it, but is it really "just not possible"? Is it not more accurate to say "it's highly unlikely"? And, if it's highly unlikely, that leaves that small sliver of possibility that it could potentially happen.

I'd need far more than the presence of a legible passport to convince me that there was some sort of Government involvement or nafarious actions going on behind the scenes.
masterwig said:
mcfcbird said:
. A crime that has caused the deaths of hundred of thousands of people.

I thought it was fewer than ten thousand that died.

The deaths of the victims and rescue workers who were trapped in the collapse; the death of people who have since died due to complications that have arisen from inhalation of toxic particles created when the building collapsed; the deaths of people, on both sides, who have died and continue to die during the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan; the deaths of people, on both sides, who have died and continue to die during the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The deaths of people who have been victims of retaliatory acts of terrorism as a consequence of the invasion and continued occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Total that lot together and you have a LOT of deaths, certainly more than ten thousand. All of them are a direct consequence or a chain reaction of events, of the 9/11 attack.
pissedagain said:
sadly this rubbish was aired some years ago in the usa, its not new, one thing is for sure 2 planes full of jet fuel smashed into those towers, as with everything in the usa there s always someone with a theory

These particular findings weren't, they were published in a paper by Dr Steven Jones in April of this year.
GStar said:
What you describe is second hand information, a lot of which can, and probably has be manipulated to suit a certain agenda and in a lot of cases is likely to be inaccurate. ChiagoBlue has something you don't have, and thats Primary Information of knowing one of the actual pilots. So how you can claim to have looked deeper is absurd.

What I'm describing is what's in the paper that Dr Jones published, in which he actually uses and quotes data that are in official government reports and scientific publications as well as publishing the results of his team's tests; read it for yourself, read the discussions between Jones and naysayers. It's not a fake paper by a fake Professor of physics for crying out loud! Check it out for yourself!

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