Unsourced Transfer Gossip [Merged]

Re: gut feeling

If we're talking about gut feelings, my gut feeling is that we'll miss out on Tevez, Eto'o and Terry. Well Terry obviously, he's going nowhere, but I really think we'll miss out on the other two as well. Mainly because it's dragged on so long since we believed they were "100% done". I'm not casting aspersions on the ITK info received so far, as I'm sure that they were confident and were told that they were done, but the silence is deafening, and it can only point to last minute changes of heart or increased demands from both players that we're not willing to meet.

Just my gut feeling. I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong.
Re: gut feeling

Bombo said:
got a gut feeling robinho will leave before end of transfer window.
My reasoning is that I think we will sign tevez and e'to thus making him not as important with regard to the amount of quality forwards we have.
Also don't think Hughes is a big fan of his.
And I think he may be used as leverage for another deal ie terry or e'to as I believe barca or Chelsea would be his destination.
He may even go on loan to barca for a season if we get e'to. Don't get me wrong I love the guy but my gut feeling is that when we have brought enough good players in to soften the blow then he will be allowed to leave, maybe on loan. Anyone else got the same feeling?

I've not and your logic is all wrong - the more top players we sign the more likely Robbie is to stay, not leave. I also think Hughes is a big fan of Robbie which is why he stuck up for him so much last year
Re: gut feeling

Wheelsy said:
The only team that could possibly afford him is Real. And I don't think he'll be going back there in a hurry...

And that really is the bottom line.

Hughes has to get it right with the 'superstar' status players, they are the future for City and while the manager will always get the 'say', that 'say' will have to include all our quality players.
Re: gut feeling

We should let him go he's not what we need and besides he's to lightweight for this league. The whole side failed when we couldn't get Mido IMO.

Jeeeeez....I was only joking!!! ;)
Re: gut feeling

If Hughes can't get Tevez, Robbie & Eto'o to play winning football it will be Hughes going!
Re: gut feeling

I've posted countless times that I have the exact same gut feeling, Bombo.

Whilst he is world class, he does restrict the team in several ways. We are really forced into playing 4-3-3 with him on the left. His natural game is to receive the ball and slow the pace of the game down, which doesn't suit the premiership, or players like SWP. And he does give posession away a lot.

I think Hughes may want to get rid and I think he may fancy another club. Tin hat on, I don't think it would be a disaster if he went either.
Re: gut feeling

Didsbury Dave said:
I've posted countless times that I have the exact same gut feeling, Bombo.

Whilst he is world class, he does restrict the team in several ways. We are really forced into playing 4-3-3 with him on the left. His natural game is to receive the ball and slow the pace of the game down, which doesn't suit the premiership, or players like SWP. And he does give posession away a lot.

I think Hughes may want to get rid and I think he may fancy another club. Tin hat on, I don't think it would be a disaster if he went either.
I think we need to see how we play next season when we have better players and a settled more experienced squad before jumping to too many conclusions. The 4-3-3 would work well with the addition of Tevez and Eto'o and would be more than a match for anyone in the top 4.
Re: Mindless Speculation [Merged]

Squirty said " I think we need to see how we play next season when we have better players and a settled more experienced squad before jumping to too many conclusions. The 4-3-3 would work well with the addition of Tevez and Eto'o and would be more than a match for anyone in the top 4."

I say yes but only if we strengthen at the back, preferably with a left sided centre back who is exceptionally good in the air

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