US Politics Thread

I think the majority of us are in agreement the Fascist has been found out.

The effects of the corporate world on our lives both on a personal and political level is really worth a thread of its own which will probably tank after 4 pages sadly despite it being an important topic.
He has a room at the White House with a podium and studio facilities from where he could address the world. That would spread across all platforms by his lovers and his haters alike. He is simply personally banned off one social platform.
But that means not using other people’s words/videos and having to take and answer questions - that’s a scary place for a self proclaimed leader who knows more about anything that anybody alive, and who come to him to hear this unbounded complete knowledge...
... have you no sympathy for the man, having the ability to freely stand up and have his every word recorded and transmitted to the entire world instantly (not just an echo chamber)

Poor man. Completely left detached from an ability to talk to the world...
I’ve lived here 20 years now and in my experience, it’s largely two, somewhat interrelated, things.

First, the levels of religious belief. This has been commented on by many of us here and written about in books by much wiser people than me, so I won’t retread it all, but in the US the grifters and the right wing have figured out how to play these rubes with the same tricks they’ve borrowed from the churches. The line from Televangeleist to White Power web forums is a straight-line continuum.

Secondly, it’s resentment of others and the childish reaction to want to destroy things if you can’t have them and to deny them others. All their lives Americans are told they live in the greatest country in the world and everyone wants to be like us. I was actually a bit shocked when I found out my kids were getting told this in kindergarten. I’m getting the sense that it is starting to wane a little as the world globalizes and people get educated (part of the reason globalization and education is an anathema to conservatives) but it still prevails especially in rural/ poor areas. “Hey kid, we both know that your gonna spend your whole life in Shitkicker, West Virginia, but don’t forget you live in the greatest country on earth and god loves ya”
They see other people ‘living their best lives’ making positive choices for themselves and having fun and they just want to destroy them because they can’t have any of that. The truth is, a great many could, but they’re deliberately held back by those who profit off the anger, divisiveness and misery (and here we are back at religion)
Some of the religious impetus may be a last throw of the dice thing. Fewer Americans go to church, fewer say they believe in God (though still higher than other historically Christian lands), and belief in evolution rather than specific creation has doubled (though only from 9% to 20%). Trump made common cause (abortion, tax breaks for private Christian schools, Israel * ) but it's uncertain how many believe the "chosen one / God's instrument" rhetoric.

If you're a church leader with a mixed (R/D) congregation, you walk a tightrope. If your congregation are 98% Republican, you will now be walking a tightrope between Trumpers and lovers of democracy.

* tricky this, as US Christian support for Israel is nearly all on the basis that the Jews are all going to convert.

On the more general stuff, the present malaise is not just poverty-driven but no-way-out-of-poverty-driven. Once upon a time in America, 90% of Americans could expect to be better off than their parents, now it's 50/50. Shorn of the "no difference" nonsense, if Democrats don't do something about disparity of wealth (and health, and opportunity) this will just fester.
Allowing for corporate desires IS and SHOULD BE part of democracy. So should VOTING for REPRESENTATIVES who WRITE LAWS to REGULATE corporate desires.
See we disagree, no need to shout, you are sounding like Donald now.

Corporations should have zero influence on democracy because in my world corporations would not exist. Corporate power is killing democracy, Big corporations, like Google, Facebook, and Apple start by appropriating technologies developed at the public expense by governments and universities. Workers are exploited for profit. Low wages and poor labour regulations are the norm Corporations rely on plundering the planet of natural and social resource. The largest cost of resource extraction is environmental destruction and corporate risk is externalized and the public pay through a system of Corporate Socialism.

And people on here wonder why I am not happy with the expansion of corporate power into the political realm with their banning of Trump. They are already too powerful, they need reining in and cut down to size.

Because SWPs bless his little cotton's cannot see that this type of move is a step towards Oligarchy, he is sweet though and gets very sweary at times :))
I’ve read a lot of posts in here eulogising over the Big Tech’s banning of certain topics.
That’s all well and good when you are against or dislike those topics but what will they feel when it’s their turn to be banned on the whim of some billionaire’s company?
Murdoch of course has a great reputation for offering a ready platform to socialists.
But that means not using other people’s words/videos and having to take and answer questions - that’s a scary place for a self proclaimed leader who knows more about anything that anybody alive, and who come to him to hear this unbounded complete knowledge...
... have you no sympathy for the man, having the ability to freely stand up and have his every word recorded and transmitted to the entire world instantly (not just an echo chamber)

Poor man. Completely left detached from an ability to talk to the world...

No he doesn't. No press in attendance - just make a statement. Thing is of course thats not him is it? He wants that control of his Twitter account to blurt out his bull shit commentary on life. Continued TV appearances would open him up to ridicule and he knows it

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