US Politics Thread

See we disagree, no need to shout, you are sounding like Donald now.

Corporations should have zero influence on democracy because in my world corporations would not exist. Corporate power is killing democracy, Big corporations, like Google, Facebook, and Apple start by appropriating technologies developed at the public expense by governments and universities. Workers are exploited for profit. Low wages and poor labour regulations are the norm Corporations rely on plundering the planet of natural and social resource. The largest cost of resource extraction is environmental destruction and corporate risk is externalized and the public pay through a system of Corporate Socialism.

And people on here wonder why I am not happy with the expansion of corporate power into the political realm with their banning of Trump. They are already too powerful, they need reining in and cut down to size.

Because SWPs bless his little cotton's cannot see that this type of move is a step towards Oligarchy, he is sweet though and gets very sweary at times :))
I get it — you believe power should rest with the state. As with those leaning towards extreme views left and right, we end up in the same place: totalitarianism. “In my world” is the giveaway.

The rest of us — who may or may not agree with the message or motive but not the means — will participate in a representative democracy, and vote for candidates who want to balance regulation of industry with the ability of those industries to employ people and provide goods and services to us at prices lower than what it would cost us to develop them ourselves.
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You believe power should rest with the state. As with those leaning towards extreme views left and right, we end up in the same place: totalitarianism. “In my world”
Is the giveaway.
And you are a Corporatist, and the more educated amongst the BM glitterati will know what that entails.

You are fun Mr Fog, i like you.
ordinary people:
Free speech - tweet/post
Stifled speech - try holding a press conference...

President of the USA:
Free speech - hold a press conference
stifled speech - try sending a tweet/post

it’s not rocket science to work out.
No he doesn't. No press in attendance - just make a statement. Thing is of course thats not him is it? He wants that control of his Twitter account to blurt out his bull shit commentary on life. Continued TV appearances would open him up to ridicule and he knows it
I was being sarky:-)
If twitter had banned Biden, the very same people on here who getting hot under the collar about my post would then be outraged at the banning of Biden and saying Corporate power has gone to far.
If Biden had broken every single published rule of Twitter for four years, no they wouldn’t. That’s absurd and a lie.

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