US Politics Thread

from the man who owes his lawyers millions .... and is a threat to the security of the West

This is how I see it going. Already stopped funding to Ukraine, which I find traitorous, and once he gets in he’ll be beholden to his Russian backers and allow the ‘Hard Men’ of this world to do anything they want, and become one of them.

I think this is up there with the worst things he's ever said. Truly fuckin unbelievable.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates, asked about Trump's comments, said, "Encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged - and it endangers American national security, global stability and our economy at home."
That Biden is old. Because if something happens to him no one connected to him in any way, shape or form will attempt to end democracy in America (nor worldwide).

If you can’t see it’s his frailty and ever apparent decreasing mental function that is helping the orange shitgibbon then there really is no hope!

Surely, unlike us racist Brits, you guys would vote for a mixed race female for President so why not let Kamala run?

You would have to be one dumb, dumb motherfucker not to see that yes?
Yeah, but Biden’s too old. Let’s woman about that for awhile because they both suck.

You dumb, dumb motherfuckers.
I mean the point you’re - seemingly deliberately - ignoring is that no matter what Trump says or does, he will still get his 70m cultist votes, so the only question is how do the Democrats get enough people to come out and vote to defeat them.

You think Biden is the answer, many others don’t, which is fine. Hopefully for all of us you are right come November.
The whole speech just shows the people don't even listen to what he says and just cheer him for his "aura". Most of them are like submitted by their cult leader and under his spell.
If you can’t see it’s his frailty and ever apparent decreasing mental function that is helping the orange shitgibbon then there really is no hope!
If elected, his term would be scheduled to end in just under five years time. Half a decade. Anyone who has watched the cognitive decline of elderly relatives will realise just how long that period of time can be, and what it can entail.

Personally, I think he’s still very alert and with it overall, and also extremely competent with overall good judgement, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have concerns about how those characteristics will potentially manifest themselves in the years ahead, given his age, and the gaffes that he is presently prone to.

I think it’s unlikely that he won’t decline further in the next five years, and possibly to a point where he ceases to be an effective leader. That isn’t being ageist or saying that someone in their mid-‘80s couldn’t be an effective leader, but it would be wilfully blind to suggest it isn’t a legitimate concern - a concern that is hugely accentuated by what is at stake for the US and the world.

In fact, the system itself means that if Biden spirals downhill quickly between now and November, which is perfectly feasible given his age and some of the signs, then what is the answer? Harris? Can anyone conceivably see her winning?

It’s perfectly legitimate to debate Biden’s age and potential (and arguably manifest) associated issues. That doesn’t mean I don’t want him to win, I just think those issues mean it’s more likely he won’t.

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