US Politics Thread

Oh no look what these evil corporations are doing now!!!

Also — I expect an outcry from @Rascal about all these awful corporations and non-profit organizations and government organizations (like schools) firing employees who were arrested for breaking into the Capitol.

I don't really understand that, so i am unsure what you think i should be outcrying about?

A bit of context perhaps rather than a random tweet may help.
Will i be able to find posts from you backing ANTIFA?
Depends how good your carer is with the search function I suppose.

(edit. Funny as fuck that your next post argues that someone is conflating two arguments when you’ve just posted that to me and are moving the goal posts like Michael J Fox setting up a game of Subbuteo)
Will i be able to find posts from you backing ANTIFA?

You are conflating the two arguments. I in no way support Trump or his actions, i also do not support the actions of the big tech corporations. I believe both actions are dangerous.
Well, guess what, pal — the two dangerous actions are in conflict with one another, and where the rest of us live — on planet Earth and not your world — we’ve got to decide between the two. You’ve already decided which is more important, so spare me the “I in no way support Trump or his actions” bullshit. Either he goes on with this shit, or Twitter zips him for it.

So choose. That’s how things work in the real world — in a democracy, where people choose between options, often unpalatable ones.
That is of no importance to me, it is the over reach of corporate power that i find disturbing.

If they can use that power to ban a President, who knows where the use of said power will end. If they can ban a President what is stopping them banning anyone that disagrees with their corporate stance. It doesn't have to be against the code of conduct it can be just the corporate entity pushing boundaries to see how far their influence on democracy can go.

I am not comfortable with what they have done, because I believe Democracy is far more important than a corporation's desires.

It’s a pity Donald doesn’t believe that democracy is important.
I’m not hot under the collar you mad old twat. But you’re talking bollocks and I know you well enough to tell you that you’re talking bollocks and you know I’d tell you over a pint whilst you called me a **** in return.

Biden isn’t banned as he’s not broken any rules just like GDM doesn’t get banned on here as he doesn’t break any rules. You and I however have both been banned several times when we have broken @Ric ‘s CoC. That doesn’t mean there is Ric over reach, it means you and I have crossed a line over which Ric has acted as he decides what content he wants on his platform (and tells everyone in advance using a published list of rules - and then gives out warnings before banning people). It means we’ve been a pair of cûnts and probably deserved the bans.

The fact that Trump was elected to office gave him great leeway, far more than that of a normal Twitter user (I got a 12 hour suspension once for calling some tosser a “crazy woman”). It does not harm democracy to suspend then ban someone currently under federal investigation for incitement to sedition/riot.

What you’re basically saying is that Trump should receive status as some Demi god where he can say and do whatever he likes and a private corporation has no power to act as they please with their own platform? That’s absurd as I say.
Mad Old twat.....brilliant ha ha ha ha.
Mad Old twat.....brilliant ha ha ha ha.
Right it’s 9:33pm here and I’m off to bed as I’m working early so I can play golf from lunch (new irons arrived via courier today).

Hopefully everyone talks some sense into you whilst I sleep.
Corporations that create wealth for their owners or shareholders do not take wealth away from someone else.
Do I think that workers should be paid more? In general, yes, but to rail against corporations as an entity smacks of an entitled attitude. Look at what they have, I want some of that.
Totally different to those who are disadvantaged being given help and a way out of poverty.
@Rascal I admire your commitment to your beliefs, but I don't think that your Utopua is just around any corner, it just can't exist.
Now there is an argument I didn't expect.

I am trying to work out why railing against corporations makes one smack of an entitlement attitude.

We can deal with the rest of your post after i have got a brew.

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