US Politics Thread

It might be because they are brown-skinned and Muslim. Just a guess but when his local Asda started stocking Halal food something in him snapped.

Ten years ago the same bloke posted this under his old account.
I’m not sure which is scarier…that you jump straight to “he’s a racist!” OR that you went back to a post from TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO to justify your sentiments?

Get a hobby!
I’m not sure which is scarier…that you jump straight to “he’s a racist!” OR that you went back to a post from TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO to justify your sentiments?

Get a hobby!

It's not jumping straight to he's a racist. I know he's a racist from several discussions I've had with him over several years. I used to think he was amusing, wasn't really serious about most of his views and wasn't actually as unhinged and repugnant as is now evident. The Halal reference was to a completely OTT and irrational reaction to changes to a child's school lunch menu.

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of someone going around using exactly the same words "Jew haters", "terrorist sympathisers" etc he took offence to in the exact same subject when he sat on the opposite side of the debate that he now presents himself.

It's highly amusing.
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So you can categorically say this is bull shit my friend?
There were terrorist, religious extremist. When terrorist attack happend, people died, and many of victims, are ughyurs! Those are the SAME terrorist you western people never want to have in your country! Even Afghanistan Taliban promise "no one can use the land of Afghanistan to lanch a terroist attack to China", what they refer to is the ones you saw in the video. They looked peaceful in the interview ,but they are not ! They are terrorist!
What's the point we differ totally on the conflict. You think the Palistinians are fair game to slaughter, I don't.
Such ridiculous hyperbole is an excellent discussion ender…and yet people wonder?!

The world is a complicated place and war is hell. Rarely does the non-combatant population survive unscathed, and we can certainly debate the sliding scale of “acceptable losses,” given ANY LOSS OF LIFE is completely undesirable, but with comments such as yours puts any discussion to bed.
There were terrorist, religious extremist. When terrorist attack happend, people died, and many of victims, are ughyurs! Those are the SAME terrorist you western people never want to have in your country! Even Afghanistan Taliban promise "no one can use the land of Afghanistan to lanch a terroist attack to China", what they refer to is the ones you saw in the video. They looked peaceful in the interview ,but they are not ! They are terrorist!
Every Muslim is a terrorist..?
I see pluralism is alive and kicking in the PRC....
Anyway it's a US politics thread my friend
There were terrorist, religious extremist. When terrorist attack happend, people died, and many of victims, are ughyurs! Those are the SAME terrorist you western people never want to have in your country! Even Afghanistan Taliban promise "no one can use the land of Afghanistan to lanch a terroist attack to China", what they refer to is the ones you saw in the video. They looked peaceful in the interview ,but they are not ! They are terrorist!

Blink twice if the Tiananmen Square massacre happened.
Every Muslim is a terrorist..?
I see pluralism is alive and kicking in the PRC....
Anyway it's a US politics thread my friend
That is the problem, not every muslim is a terrorist.
Only a small group.
There are 12 million uyghurs, and 13 million "hui" ethnic who are muslims.
It's the western media, they are trying to give you an impression that "China put every uyghurs or mulisms into prison or some camps".
And right now, King of Bahrain, President of Tunisia, President of Egypt, President of the United Arab Emirates,they are all in Beijing!
If we really have "genocide", if we really have problems with muslims, why are they here?
The US politics has a big problem with propaganda, those news-outlets lie to people. If American people really care about their demorcracy, they should do something.
That is the problem, not every muslim is a terrorist.
Only a small group.
There are 12 million uyghurs, and 13 million "hui" ethnic who are muslims.
It's the western media, they are trying to give you an impression that "China put every uyghurs or mulisms into prison or some camps".
And right now, King of Bahrain, President of Tunisia, President of Egypt, President of the United Arab Emirates,they are all in Beijing!
If we really have "genocide", if we really have problems with muslims, why are they here?
The US politics has a big problem with propaganda, those news-outlets lie to people. If American people really care about their demorcracy, they should do something.
CCTV ..along with RT are just state run propaganda channels with absolutely NO alternative viewpoint
Yep they should start by keeping Trump out of the White House
I'm outta here my friend because as we say in the north of England "I'm pissing in the wind"

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