US Politics Thread

That's probably unlikely. He denied Brianna Ghey that courtesy when her murder trial was discussed on here.

You mean like this post?

I remember the murder of Sophie Lancaster at the hands of thugs because she was a goth ( They'd have murdered anyone really), it got me thinking at the time how does evil find evil or is it in all of us?

RIP Brianna and I hope your killers rot in hell if there is one.

Waste of space :)
Serious trouble brewing. Websites allied to Maga and other right wing causes are now calling for violence against the judge, the DA and the jury. One site has published what it thinks is the DA’s address and another the addresses purportedly of some jurors. This endangers not just those involved but completely other people whose addresses have been erroneously published.
And what are Maga politicians doing? So far, nothing. The one Republican who spoke against this has been removed as the candidate.
Republican politicians need to speak out en masse to stop this.
Incidently, it raises the chances of Trump being immediately incarcerated as a dangerous person irrespective of any appeal.
This is madness.
Arrest them all and throw them over that wall he built.
Jon Stewart nailing the whole cancel culture thing

Those on the right are quick to call anyone who disagrees with any of their views a lefty loony for merely pointing out any flaw in their logic of beliefs. Then walk away when they know deep down they are talking nonsense. Snowflakes the lot of them. Why be right or left, just try not be a **** to anyone else, no matter what they are. Though I think that’s what “woke” actually is.

I miss having the Daily Show on Channel 4.
It's following the same path. Moving from taboo/illegal to a medical condition, then a lifestyle choice and ultimately social acceptability.
Paedophilia is now edging towards the same route. Personally I'm hoping bestiality is next.
Didn't paedophiles invent "paedophilia" to give it an air of lifestyle choice? The "Paedophile Information Exchange"? That went well.
Interesting data from Morning Consult poll:

I never heard of Morning Consult before. So I looked them up:

It's one poll, months before the election and MAGA propaganda probably hasn't had enough time to sway some of the voters who may change their minds...

Still... it's interesting and hopeful news.

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