US Politics Thread

The reason they’ve tried to convince people of that is because in 2020 it was true. Trump is so uniquely dangerous that inspiration was not needed — fear of his re-election was all. But now who are you going to stand up against Trump who will galvaniz(s)e and inspire the electorate? I’ve already said this and it’s water under the bridge but In 21 I said Biden should announce he’ll be a one-term President — and for a little bit I actually thought he would — so that this age scenario could be avoided. Now it’s a Catch-22.

There’s no clear Democratic candidate who can beat Trump I don’t think with no time or money.
Unrealistic and hypothetical, I know, but I'd like to see a brokered convention and maybe Beshear, but I guess they're not going to win Kentucky anyway so would probably then choose someone from a contestable state. It's a dreadful situation but, as you say, one that was foreseeable.
The slice of the electorate he needs are saying overwhelmingly he's done and that he won't last 4 months let alone 4 years.
They say it remorsefully and respectfully.
A contested convention will not only create a new dynamic but will totally suck all the oxygen out of the Trump campaign. Additionally it could fire up the young vote.
Insiders in the DNC are now openly breaking their wall of silence. I also think Jill Biden will have a say in this. She literally had to wheel him off Thursday night. It must be killing her seeing him go through this.
I think there's plenty of time still but the decision can't be put off much longer
The young aren’t going to get fired up by anything. Just as before, and for months, no one has an alternative that can beat Trump unless it’s Whitmer. That’s the problem. If Biden’s toast, so are the Democrats I think. Trump is going to eviscerate Newsom; I keep saying “You don’t know how Californians are perceived by the rest of the nation” but I do and Newsom is the poster child example of a limousine liberal.
Biden doing well in the midterms was the worst possible thing, because it painted a false picture. Hopefully the rumours of his wife asking him to fight through prove unfounded.
The young aren’t going to get fired up by anything. Just as before, and for months, no one has an alternative that can beat Trump unless it’s Whitmer. That’s the problem. If Biden’s toast, so are the Democrats I think. Trump is going to eviscerate Newsom; I keep saying “You don’t know how Californians are perceived by the rest of the nation” but I do and Newsom is the poster child example of a limousine liberal.
Jeffries? A Jeffries/ Whitmer ticket or reverse?
Just for context Ronald Reagan was the oldest serving president at 77 at the end of his presidency and spitting image etc had characterised him as senile for his last term or so. Biden is now 81. The rigours of the campaign for re-election are tough for someone half that age.
As a very staunch supporter of Biden, Thursday night's debate was hard to watch. I no longer believe that Biden gives Democrats the best chance to beat Trump in 2024.

The good news - it's only June. Much will change between now and election day.

The bad news - Biden may not want to withdraw from the race. If Biden doesn't step down prior to the Democratic Convention it'll likely be too late to replace him should he subsequently want/need to step away.

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