US Politics Thread

Lastly, she needs to not always be on the defensive and needs to preemptively attack Trump, his presidency and his overall behavior. Trump’s biggest weapon is stealing your thunder with his own, aimed at you! If you can be first to the punch, attack him where it hurts, and get him to respond, now YOU have the upper hand. If she can steal that oxygen while being strong on the issues, she can defeat him handsomely. That is a tall order that will require discipline and not listening to the risk averse Septuagenarians and Octogenarians who think they know better.

Entirely agree, along with this proviso. She has to be firmly combative, she has to be front foot, she has to call out Trump's approximations and lies point by point.
She has to be in his face, in a manner of speaking.
At the same time, in my view, she has to project the dignitas that should accompany the leadership of one of the world's most powerful countries. Every president has had it — Republican or Democrat — to a greater or lesser degree, in my lifetime, with one exception — Trump. Now that won't gain her one single vote from the Trump side, and it won't change much among those who have already decided that they will vote Democrat. It will win over a proportion of the undecideds, and as I said in an earlier post, those who simply almost never vote (and there is quite a cartload of them in the United States).
It's a high-wire act. We'll see if she can accomplish it.

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