US Politics Thread

He owned himself, as he always does. Doesn't seem to stop the thickos from voting for him though.

Trump was terrible.

He kept going on about Biden, as if he was running against the incumbent, not his deputy. Even after Harris said, "I’m not Joe Biden," he still continued.

And on every answer, he repeatedly veered away from the topic to make pointless arguments and try to score hits with lies - surely not?

A hands-down win for Harris. Let’s hope that the American electorate thinks so, too.

The strategy from Harris seems to be poke the bear and let him speak.

It relies on the idea that if voters get a good look at what he's like without the fox news sane washing she will gain far more support than he will.

I think it worked pretty well. Trump's base might have eaten some of that up but those on the fringe of voting either way will been pushed more to Harris. If your not a maga moron then Harris was the better performer.
The strategy from Harris seems to be poke the bear and let him speak.

It relies on the idea that if voters get a good look at what he's like without the fox news sane washing she will gain far more support than he will.

I think it worked pretty well. Trump's base might have eaten some of that up but those on the fringe of voting either way will been pushed more to Harris. If your not a maga moron then Harris was the better performer.
He evidently has mental health problems, and we saw again that pressing certain buttons will inevitably trigger a reaction. However, it should also be a stark reminder to Americans. If Harris can manipulate him so quickly and effectively, then foreign leaders and those with vested interests will have taken further note and act accordingly should he win.

Few take interest in detailed policy discussions in these debates but something always sticks in the public mind, and this time it appears that it will be Trump’s ‘they’re eating the pets’. Harris clearly knew that commenting on his crowds would trigger a reaction, but her own physical reaction suggested her team had never predicted that response. Who could have?
A question for our US members; if the Democrats could see that Joe Biden wasn't up to this next election and quickly removed him to their huge advantage, what is the supposed reason for the Republicans keeping Trump in?

Forget about any conspiracies, forget about MAGA for a minute; what is the fundamental reason for Trump being the nomination?

I'm looking for a reason why "normal" GOP members would look at Trump and say, "Yep, he is the best chance we've got".

Even long before last night's debate, listening to him at the rallies talk about windmills and boats and sharks and electrocution and Hannibal Lecter, etc; how can members not see that this is a sorry demise (of himself and the Party) and isn't going to win the hearts and minds of the regular Joe Shmo?

Why do the likes of Haley, Cruz, McConnell and Graham simply bow down to him?

What is the underlying reason?

Or is it quite simply about MAGA and, "Yep, he is the ONLY thing we have and we have nothing better"?
Just watching it, it all seemed to start going batshit about 17 minutes in.
It's quite hilariously awful in some points - I do wonder what he thinks "abortion after birth" means.
Being laughed at is not a great look. Neither is the facepulling that broke out from Agent Orange about 31 minutes in.
A question for our US members; if the Democrats could see that Joe Biden wasn't up to this next election and quickly removed him to their huge advantage, what is the supposed reason for the Republicans keeping Trump in?

Forget about any conspiracies, forget about MAGA for a minute; what is the fundamental reason for Trump being the nomination?

I'm looking for a reason why "normal" GOP members would look at Trump and say, "Yep, he is the best chance we've got".

Even long before last night's debate, listening to him at the rallies talk about windmills and boats and sharks and electrocution and Hannibal Lecter, etc; how can members not see that this is a sorry demise (of himself and the Party) and isn't going to win the hearts and minds of the regular Joe Shmo?

Why do the likes of Haley, Cruz, McConnell and Graham simply bow down to him?

What is the underlying reason?

Or is it quite simply about MAGA and, "Yep, he is the ONLY thing we have and we have nothing better"?
Not in the US but I'll take a stab at an answer.

There is a huge advantage to an incumbent in these races, so when Biden opted to go for a second term everyone (with a serious chance) cleared out of the way. Primaries are messy and if you don't have a very good shot your best keeping your powder dry. Once that got in motion the only way Biden was dropping out was if he agreed to. And he ultimately did.

For the Republicans Trump has been building a dominant position since he won the primary in 2016. He was unchallenged for a second term. Very few lose once in office so its a very rare event where a former potus has to go back to fighting a primary. But given how much hold he has on the party he was always going to win. There was serious opposition from Ron DeSantis originally but his campaign was awful. And then Nicky Haley who did a much better job once Ron dropped out. But Trump was never going to do a Biden. And he has basically radicalised the base and driven away the moderates so a nicky Haley type just doesn't come close to being a viable alternative. Its like a cult, they just want Trump and trump has put so many loyalists in positions of power there is no way anyone else gets any momentum. Its also why he started campaigning way way earlier than anyone ever before. He did that as power play. Basically to shut down anyone else.

You also have to factor in the way the right wing grift works for characters like Cruz and others. Trump is milking his base and the party finances for cash. He has the backing of fox news who turn a blind eye. So Trump is beyond criticism. Opposition to Trump from within the right is not tolerated and if Cruz came out on the attack all the right wing news channels and pundits would shut him down. He would get Primaried and lose his job. Look at someone like Paul Ryan, potential potus candidate now has zero profile as he got shut out. So the American right have to fall in line behind Trump or lose everything. Add in a bit of fear and intimidation from his violent and criminal base and he has it locked down. The gop is basically a Trump party / cult.
I did stridently predict a few days ago that when the heat turned up he’d start to unravel and make increasingly bizarre comments as he did so (not that makes me Nostradamus!) so I cannot wait to see how he ups the ante from Haitians eating Buster and Simba for dinner, but I know it’s going to be fucking epic!

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