US Politics Thread

Another one that pretends not to have an interest in American politics, but defends Trump to the death.

Trump does deviate from my view. I dont like racists and mysoginists. Whether they live here or elsewhere.

That's why I criticise him and if you find that funny good for you.

Kids have had their school shutdown. I'd imagine more than a few are worried about going out in public. Some braindead **** is talking about deporting them the Venezuela.

And other people are defending him and making out that its his critics that are in the wrong.

One of those have a look at your life moments. Is this really the sort of person you want to be?
Oh my word. Get a grip - do you honestly think the future of us politics is being fought out on a man city forum? Trump himself would be proud of this level of delusion and self aggrandisement.
No, I'm having a go at people that get on their sweaty high horse because they don't like anything that deviates from their view. In all honesty I've not a great deal of interest in the US election - I just catch snippets here and there. The point dax made about journalists not bothering to get to the bottom of the pet eating story was a fair one I thought - especially as it probably is bollocks, but that seemed to enrage people. I find internet rage funny.
Oh my word. Get a grip - do you honestly think the future of us politics is being fought out on a man city forum? Trump himself would be proud of this level of delusion and self aggrandisement.
I’ll give you this — you’ve taken not giving a shit to an art form.

We all know you’re here to provoke which is why sometimes I find your posts funny and other times enraging. What you don’t do — ever — is add any value or thoughtful perspective.

There’s a place in the world for misanthropic toadies, admittedly. You’re like the dogshit people accidentally step in, not a knife through the boot. But as Walter Scott wrote, there’s no place for the wretch in the world’s collective memory once they’re gone.
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I’ll give you this — you’ve taken not giving a shit to an art form.

We all know you’re here to provoke which is why sometimes I find your posts funny and other times enraging. What you don’t do — ever — is add any value or thoughtful perspective.

But there’s a place in the world for misanthropic toadies, admittedly. But as Walter Scott wrote, not after they’re gone.
You might feel provoked but that is your problem. Tbh I think the choice facing the US electorate is basically wether word war three starts in the middle east (trump) or Europe (Harris). If I were you, I'd actually be more immediately concerned about who is actually in charge between now and January with global politics in such a fragile state currently.
You might feel provoked but that is your problem. Tbh I think the choice facing the US electorate is basically whether word war three starts in the middle east (trump) or Europe (Harris). If I were you, I'd actually be more immediately concerned about who is actually in charge between now and January with global politics in such a fragile state currently.
That you think such after admitting you don’t really pay much attention makes me much less concerned about either. Maybe you’ll get drafted though.

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