US Politics Thread

I think Nebraska and Maine don’t but otherwise yes. Maybe the solution is that EC votes are split by margin of victory but then we may as well use popular vote?
You wouldn’t have to split directly by the tally. You could give some extra weight for finishing top. As I say, I haven’t studied this but there must be a way to acknowledge the differences between states and their reasonable interests while not downplaying the popular vote too much.
The senate, of course, gives smaller states a fair crack.
Dax777 - I think you have decent views on football which is unusual for US supporters in my experience
Politics though - you are VERY clearly a republican (a view you are very entitled to).
Can you see the issue with your statement there - what evidence have Trump and his toadies provided to support the claims made??? So officials saying there's no evidence tends to lean closer to the truth wouldn't you say????
Trump is just silly bringing up unimportant issues. But that has no relation to whether one should investigate claims beyond asking the government official.

Contrary to uninformed opinions here, it wasn't some random woman on YouTube making weird claims.

It was multiple members or residence of the town at the town's board meeting. Talking about the different issues affecting the town as a result of the huge influx of new immigrants into this particular town.

A town of 60,000 people taking in 15 to 20,000 new immigrants is no small joke.
1Q and
There are many town hall meetings documenting the many varied number issues the town is having due to the population increase . Reducing the issues to whether immigrants are eating pets is wholly idiotic.

The claims about missing pets and killing ducks in the park occurred in numerous town board meetings in the town, Springfield. But there were far more important and relevant issues broached at those meetings. The rise in homelessness, the rise in car accidents specifically related to the immigrant. And this has nothing to do with them being immigrants but rather with whatever the policy is regarding how they secure drivers license.

The Landlords in the community tripling their rent prices because there is a government program paying triple the amount to house new immigrants.

The issues with government services, including veterans not being able to get their issues address because the system is overwhelmed. The cadre of issues relayed to this is far and wide.

Only idiots think this is simply about immigrants and pets.
I'm almost certain I've misunderstood you but you're not saying that journalists now have a responsibility to go to Springfield and find out if refugees are eating resident's cats and dogs, are you?
No. I'm not. But this is the impression the CNN types want everyone to have. As if the real issues here are pets.

Bit to be clear, as someone who has actually listened to 3 of the recorded meetings related to those issues, one person said there were missing pets. Another person, a black man running for mayor in the town, said some of the immigrants catch the geese on the public park and take them home... This by the way was a side point. His real issue ( lots of which he documented) was the rise in accidents mostly related to the new immigrants that seems to be related to how they are getting drivers licenses so easily in the town.

This guy, himself a black man, has no issues with the Haitian, bit has issues eith the secrecy associated with all the programs related to their arrival.

There are many issues to get to the bottom of for anyone who's an investigative journalist here.

But it doesn't matter. This is a team sport now. If it's my team I don't care.
What is wrong :(
Polls beginning to show a slight advantage to Harris post Tuesday’s debate, in which the majority of those questioned also gave her the victory. Interestingly, many appear to be turned off by Trump’s negativity and criticism of the state of the country. It’s certainly an odd strategy to have persevered with, as there is a fine line between criticising a situation and criticising a place, and when the criticism is incoherent and rambling, that line is often crossed.

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