US Politics Thread

Here's my guess -- just a guess -- the pressure ramps in the next 48-72 hours, and he's going to try to pardon himeself, and his family, and resign. I'd lay odds he won't be president by the end of the week. And Biden will become 47, not 46.
How long after that do SDNY drop the subpoenas?

Trump and his family are certainly a flight risk.
I support Democracy of course, i don't support corporate power or capitalist exploitation.

Given a choice between Trump and Biden, I would abstain, they are equally dangerous in my mind albeit it for different reasons.

No, one can do infinitely more harm than the other, that’s always been the case. It’s a moral choice, and a simple one. Trump had to be removed.
How long after that do SDNY drop the subpoenas?

Trump and his family are certainly a flight risk.
After last week, the SDNY stuff is like a parking ticket, mate. We're going to find out Trump and/or his people and/or elected Republicans and/or Federal police and/or Federal employees -- agent provocateurs on the inside -- were in communication with and directing the rioters, and continue to do so even now. I'd guess the President's ability to pardon himself is going to become a point of law. I would bet even his conservative Supreme Court won't allow for it (see US vs Nixon).

I would expect Trump to want to flee the country shortly after the inauguration regardless, but I don't know to where nor if he can. As soon as Biden has control of the armed forces/CIA/FBI, the above-ground "revolution" will come to a swift end assuming there aren't hundreds of plants left over (I have no idea) and go underground, and we will be fighting terrorists from within for perhaps years, certainly months.
I would expect Trump to want to flee the country shortly after the inauguration regardless, but I don't know to where nor if he can.
NK or Russia would be my guess. They’re his only friends, and they’d love the propaganda coup.
More realistically will be Cuba, in that small US enclave there where they dress in orange. He’d fit right in.
Here's my guess -- just a guess -- the pressure ramps in the next 48-72 hours, and he's going to try to pardon himself, and his family, and resign. I'd lay odds he won't be president by the end of the week. And Biden will become 47, not 46.
My guess a Middle Eastern connection Saudi or Qatar .
Not the point, it is corporate censure.

Driving extremism underground.
For fucks sake Russ.

Several things, for a start a load of people replied to you at length yesterday and you’ve decided to completely ignore those posts and just repeat your arse water of an argument again. Yet when just one says they can’t be arsed arguing with you, you think it’s some sort of moral victory and that he’s no better than a ‘corporate elitist’ for having the common sense to realise it’s beyond pointless. That’s some rank hypocrisy right there old chum.

Anyway - You would rather take the power of companies away and force them to publish extremists views?

Is there anything Trump et al could say that would cross the line for you and allow these private companies to adhere to their own code of conduct by banning them?

How high up in office does one have to be to be unbanable?
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That’s Russ for you.
I sometimes assume folks who think like this have spent their lives forced to compromise about everything, so when it comes to their religious beliefs or political views, those are THEIRS, and there will be no compromise, ever. Lack of desire to compromise or ability to do so leads to one thing -- extremism or, better put, puritanism. You want to talk about "equally dangerous", let's talk about extremism and extremists of any ilk, which end up in the same place regardless: totalitarianism.

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