US Politics Thread

You use the word liberalism as if it is an insult. You sound like "liberal" really gets your back up.

"Warmongering of the Dems" - Seriously? Bush for example? (Did you mean political elite instead of Dems?)
"liberalism is on the retreat because liberalism favoured the few not the many." - Do you know the meaning of the word liberalism? It literally means to respect other pov and people, IE its inclusive, it doesnt exclude people like (By your own admission) Trump does
"will it (Liberalism) be less imperialistic" - Not sure what that means tbh
"There is nothing more illiberal than imposing Liberal democracy on a country that is not a Liberal democracy," - Imposing democracy?

I gave up after that it all got as confusing what with the linguistic gymnastics being used to curl a narrative out. I mean, "Rich white men making the world in their own image - Surely that is exactly what Trump is about?
I don't mean it to sound like an insult, but I do find some tenets of Liberalism not to my own personal taste. Liberalism though is not inclusive as it excludes those who are illiberal. Liberals also believe that every person wants universal human rights, there is no evidence for this at all, it is a Liberal assumption.

You have a different definition of Liberalism to me, but to be fair I missed out the word "economic", a typo of mine I apologise. Economic liberalism is imperialistic, and the imposition of liberal democracy on countries that have no history of liberal democracy such as Iraq, is in my opinion illiberal, arrogant and foolhardy.

Lenin said of Liberalism

"The liberal bourgeoisie in general, and the liberal-bourgeois intelligentsia in particular, cannot but strive for liberty and legality, since without these the domination of the bourgeoisie is incomplete"

Here in my opinion Lenin is imitating that Liberalism is anti-working class and we have seen in this country a rise against liberal ideals (brexit, free movement etc) my worry is that rise leads to people seeking solace in the far right.

You are right about Trump i am certain, he and his followers want a world where liberalism is on the decline because they want a world in their image, it is a very conservative image.
If Trump was a Socialist and used exactly the same tactics and behavior to push a Socialist agenda, I’d wager you’d be in full support of him.
Perhaps yes. Although I am not a revolutionary by nature, i would not be upset if one took place.
Hundreds of armed national guard protecting the senate today , what a sight , protecting it from their own people , everyone is laughing at the yanks , best democracy in the world no more
Some domestic terrorists said they were helped by three republicans to get in last week , hmmm
Pro-Trump activist Ali Alexander (unfathomably a black man supporting a racist) has named Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks and Andy Biggs as three congressmen he met with to co-ordinate pans for the attack on the Capitol.

Gosar has 5 or 6 siblings who denounced him years ago as a right wing nut job and disown him. Brooks was the arsehole who got on Trump's podium screaming "Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!" Jaw droppingly he later claimed he was talking about a donkey.

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