US Politics Thread

You use the word liberalism as if it is an insult. You sound like "liberal" really gets your back up.

"Warmongering of the Dems" - Seriously? Bush for example? (Did you mean political elite instead of Dems?)
"liberalism is on the retreat because liberalism favoured the few not the many." - Do you know the meaning of the word liberalism? It literally means to respect other pov and people, IE its inclusive, it doesnt exclude people like (By your own admission) Trump does
"will it (Liberalism) be less imperialistic" - Not sure what that means tbh
"There is nothing more illiberal than imposing Liberal democracy on a country that is not a Liberal democracy," - Imposing democracy?

I gave up after that it all got as confusing what with the linguistic gymnastics being used to curl a narrative out. I mean, "Rich white men making the world in their own image - Surely that is exactly what Trump is about?
If you start with the standpoint that Russ doesn’t like anything other than Marxism/Communism and that Liberalism is successful and therefore in the way of his preferred choices then you’ll understand how each of his posts attack the less bad system (Liberalism vs Neo-con) and makes excuses for Trump et al.
The difference between the (recent) history of Trump and the documented history of Lincoln is that a lot of the history of Lincoln is second/third hand subjective opinion, and Trump spews his shit all over the internet or on camera.
Whatever Lincoln’s motivations he definitely left the world a better place than he found it. Trump, not so much.
If you start with the standpoint that Russ doesn’t like anything other than Marxism/Communism and that Liberalism is successful and therefore in the way of his preferred choices then you’ll understand how each of his posts attack the less bad system (Liberalism vs Neo-con) and makes excuses for Trump et al.
That is an exaggeration, I am a Socialist.

And I have not made any excuse for Trump.
Posted by Bigga for the last three years whilst you were swanning off to the other place.

Yes, roughly 40% of Americans are not bright racists. Roughly the same percentage that believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that evolution is a myth (along with covid).

It says more about the US education system and religious education than it does anything else. Having said that, if you look at the left hand side of an IQ bell curve, the above isn’t particularly surprising.
It's a bit more than that. Talking to people when I was over there, just before the 2016 election, there were people who didn't fall into those categories fully behind Trump at the time. I saw definite parallels with Brexit, in that people just wanted a change from what they saw as the status quo of beige politicians on either side and generally feeling powerless.

Trump has been very clever in playing to that gallery and there are also those on the right who are well off and well-educated who would never vote anything other than GOP regardless of who the candidate was or how unappealing they were.
It's a bit more than that. Talking to people when I was over there, just before the 2016 election, there were people who didn't fall into those categories fully behind Trump at the time. I saw definite parallels with Brexit, in that people just wanted a change from what they saw as the status quo of beige politicians on either side and generally feeling powerless.

Trump has been very clever in playing to that gallery and there are also those on the right who are well off and well-educated who would never vote anything other than GOP regardless of who the candidate was or how unappealing they were.
Anyone in 2021 that still supports Trump 100% falls into the categories I mention. They are either stupid, religiously bigoted or racist or at the very least, morally bankrupt.
It's a bit more than that. Talking to people when I was over there, just before the 2016 election, there were people who didn't fall into those categories fully behind Trump at the time. I saw definite parallels with Brexit, in that people just wanted a change from what they saw as the status quo of beige politicians on either side and generally feeling powerless.

Trump has been very clever in playing to that gallery and there are also those on the right who are well off and well-educated who would never vote anything other than GOP regardless of who the candidate was or how unappealing they were.
A bit like me voting for Corbyn. Stuck between a dinosaor and a clown.... Went with old affiliations rather than head or heart.

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