I respect your right to believe what you want, but in my view the data has changed, as I have laid out in several posts, which is what I base my belief on. This isn't 2015. Trump is running on his record now. The last time he did, he lost. The candidates who ran on his record in the mid-terms also lost. Republicans want to win, not lose. DeSantis just won. And not only won, annihilated his competition. While I am as cynical about the unshakeable faith of Trump cult members as anyone, it's clear that some members of it are wavering -- and that includes both big money donors and some Republican politicians. At least they say so now. But they have an alternative now that they didn't have before -- a winner who (in their minds) has the policies of Trump without all the specific douchebaggery of Trump. DeSantis may be a shiny object at the moment, but I think with good reason.
Sudden thought: Imagine DeSantis winning a few primaries, making it close, and Trump screaming "fraud"!