Wiki's sources aren't all hacks as you probably know. Your later post about the potential of people forging documents and then leaking them to WikiLeaks (they'd have to verify who the person was, but let's use a Russian Govt. hacker they know and who they believe hacked it reliably) - I don't know what measures they'd have in place to check validity in such circumstances other than retrace the hack and do it themselves to verify (if possible). In most whistleblowing cases due to private servers etc. they must have to trust the source but, with all the accusations of them having links with Russia I'm sure they'd be wary of hacks. They could very possibly have a policy of not publishing hacked documents they can't hack again to verify if from a 3rd party and may only publish first-hand leaks (i.e. someone who works for the organisation with legal possession of the document). As far as I'm aware they haven't revealed that level of detail.
So, the 100% reliable claims can't be proven but what i can say in response to that is that when Clinton was questioned about these leaks in the debates, such looked awkward, never denied their validity and only resorted to accusing Russia of cyber attacks and trying to influence the US election, which actually does the most to verify to the public that they are indeed kosher.
The problem, of course, is that it is a game of Whack-a-Mole. Even if she bats away one, another pops right up in its place, which is why I pointed out the political mantra of if you are explaining/defending, then you are losing. This is why Republicans simply give a one sentence answer, dismiss it out of hand, and move on. Sadly, thoughtful people and liberals feel the need to explain the what, whys and wherefores of every accusation....and here I am as living proof! ;-)
Additionally, one always seems to assume that Wiki is Switzerland when it comes to these in neutral and just sharing all the unvarnished truth. As has been explained already, most people believe that is NOT the case, in this instance especially.
So, in short, the issue is came from Wiki...they have an agenda. Conversely, it came from an adulterated source either to Wiki, or under the guise of Wiki. In addition, there are THOUSANDS of emails etc, being released en masse, which means no one really knows everything in every one of them, or is willing to speak to each indivdually just through sheer logistics!
I voted early. I voted straight Democrat for the Presidency, Congress and my state races, while being slightly more varied in the over races. For instance, I voted Green Party for my Water District, because they are more interested in clean & green than anyone else...and that's how I like my water: clean! So, this is purely an academic exercise for me at this point, but I've enjoyed the discussion.
Now, three points tomorrow is of distinctly greater concern to me right now!