US Presidential Race 2016

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Sorry, but that is like reading about "Upside Down World!"

Domestically, internationally, trade, foreign relations, every metric you would like to use, SHE IS BETTER!

Appeasement appears to be in vogue at the moment, but it is never a good policy. Ever.

This whole "Trump improves relations with Russia" is PURELY about his PERSONAL business interests and who he owes money to/has invested with in the region of the world.

Additionally, if you think the domestic policies of the United States do not affect you, watch what happens GLOBALLY if the U.S. heads into a recession. If the U.S. heads into a deep recession, look out below!!

I would rather elect YOU as President than Trump, both because you clearly have a better temperament and intellect than Trump, but also because you realize that the quality of the people with whom you surround yourself is a key factor in your ultimate success or failure. At present, it is believed that Chris Christie is looking for the Attorney General position, with Rudy Giuliani as Dorector of the FBI or other, even larger National Security position. THAT scares the fuck out of me, because they are BOTH completely, possibly uniquely, unsuited to those positions.

Bill Maher, who has a long running Friday night political (with humor and satire) show, got it right this past Friday. There is a Right Wing Coup being attempted right now. That sounds outlandish, but it is completely true. 50 million people or more will vote for Trump. That is a scary statistic.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the people you just listed. Your response isn't what I intended, I really tried to spell out there that i didn't want the answers to be a comparison to Trump but I expected most of you avid Clinton supporters would end up doing based on past responses - I fear if @buckshot replies to that question, I hold out hope @west didsblue will answer the question simply bearing in mind the context I provided - the question being, do you or do you not think international tensions between West and East will be raised if Clinton is elected President?

I'm not trying to trick you, it's fine to support her and say yes (or no). Don't want to hear any comparison to Trump. What it's worth by the way, thinking about it quickly tonight (knowing little of your domestic issues), if I was a US citizen I'd probably be avidly against Trump (though not as much as you lot). Like I said, I'm thinking from a British civ. perspective, I take your point about a crashed US economy but whilst I think he could very well damage it, he'd have to be a car crash to do it significantly, not unlikely he'd squeeze and fuck people over for your economic gain anyway - which could include us to a lesser extent than others but I don't view that as an issue (for reasons that will detract if I go into, which we don't need to).

P.S. I reckon I'd make a fucking great U.S. President - better international relations and co-operation and a fairer society, less about greed and more about achievement.
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I'd recommend the documentary hosted by Rich Hall that was just on BBC4 - iPlayer for all the license fee payers Lol - just confirmed that these two are seeking to become the 43rd in a long line of scheming conniving cunts that have held that office. Nothing changes.
I'd recommend the documentary hosted by Rich Hall that was just on BBC4 - iPlayer for all the license fee payers Lol - just confirmed that these two are seeking to become the 43rd in a long line of scheming conniving cunts that have held that office. Nothing changes.
Just watched that....very good
I'd recommend the documentary hosted by Rich Hall that was just on BBC4 - iPlayer for all the license fee payers Lol - just confirmed that these two are seeking to become the 43rd in a long line of scheming conniving cunts that have held that office. Nothing changes.

When you look at it that way, maybe these are the best 2 candidates they've ever had.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the people you just listed. Your response isn't what I intended, I really tried to spell out there that i didn't want the answers to be a comparison to Trump but I expected most of you avid Clinton supporters would end up doing based on past responses - I fear if @buckshot replies to that question, I hold out hope @west didsblue will answer the question simply bearing in mind the context I provided - the question being, do you or do you not think international tensions between West and East will be raised if Clinton is elected President?

I'm not trying to trick you, it's fine to support her and say yes (or no). Don't want to hear any comparison to Trump. What it's worth by the way, thinking about it quickly tonight (knowing little of your domestic issues), if I was a US citizen I'd probably be avidly against Trump (though not as much as you lot).

P.S. I reckon I'd make a fucking great U.S. President - better international relations and co-operation and a fairer society, less about greed and more about achievement.
Do I think international tensions between the USA and Russia will be raised if Clinton wins - probably. However tensions between Russia and the rest of the Western world including Britain will go up hugely if Trump wins. That's because Putin knows he can do what the fuck he wants in the rest of the world and the Americans will ignore it. A bit of tension between Russia and the US helps keep the lid on things. I'm not including Syria in this as it's a total clusterfuck whatever happens.
I'd recommend the documentary hosted by Rich Hall that was just on BBC4 - iPlayer for all the license fee payers Lol - just confirmed that these two are seeking to become the 43rd in a long line of scheming conniving cunts that have held that office. Nothing changes.
Hardly need a documentary to tell me all politicians are scheming conniving cunts.
Fuck me thats saying something isn't it? Ha ha ha - probably a good job that radio and TV are 20th Century inventions or they would still be arguing over whether Washington won the first televised debate....

Well if Trump wins, I am looking forward to him commissioning his face being carved into Mount Rushmore. I just hope they get some sandstone in to do his face and hair.
Well the quickest source to find would be the Wikileaks emails but you'd probably dismiss that anyway. I've had enough of the debates now anyway and don't have time with work, seems we're all ready to move onto anticipation of the result now anyway.

I wasn't making an excuse for Trump there btw, we were discussing Clinton's behaviour. So if your calling me poorly educated and right-wing or racist, I think you've been around enough on here whilst I've explained my rationale for my preference to know I'm not any of those things. That generalisation of his support group might have applied during the primaries and just after, but Trump has gained a lot of preference since then (that isn't active support) - mainly because Hilary hasn't done anything to gain it.

Simply not true. He has been proudly racist and xenophobic up until a week ago when his campaign finally convinced him to shut up.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the people you just listed. Your response isn't what I intended, I really tried to spell out there that i didn't want the answers to be a comparison to Trump but I expected most of you avid Clinton supporters would end up doing based on past responses - I fear if @buckshot replies to that question, I hold out hope @west didsblue will answer the question simply bearing in mind the context I provided - the question being, do you or do you not think international tensions between West and East will be raised if Clinton is elected President?

I'm not trying to trick you, it's fine to support her and say yes (or no). Don't want to hear any comparison to Trump. What it's worth by the way, thinking about it quickly tonight (knowing little of your domestic issues), if I was a US citizen I'd probably be avidly against Trump (though not as much as you lot). Like I said, I'm thinking from a British civ. perspective, I take your point about a crashed US economy but whilst I think he could very well damage it, he'd have to be a car crash to do it significantly, not unlikely he'd squeeze and fuck people over for your economic gain anyway - which could include us to a lesser extent than others but I don't view that as an issue (for reasons that will detract if I go into, which we don't need to).

P.S. I reckon I'd make a fucking great U.S. President - better international relations and co-operation and a fairer society, less about greed and more about achievement.
I think Clinton is very wary of getting involved in ANY further international entanglements, but NO ONE wants a Russian expansion, and given some of the rhetoric coming out of the US (specifically the mouth of him that cannot be named!), it needs to be made clear that the US will not accept any saber rattling.

If Clinton is elected, there will be a huge sigh of relief. If Democrats take the Senate and the White House, some people will be concerned that Hillary will have too much power, and that the House will have to stop her from running roughshod over the Right wing. I am not one of those people. I think it is long past time that the President wins the Senate and is allowed to enact their agenda. We have been living a long term Right wing agenda in the country, with Obama barely managing to get any progressive legislation enacted, the Right not allowing him to put someone on the Supreme Court to replace the justice that died, etc, etc, etc...

It is impossible to separate Clinton from Trump, because we are making a decision. However, Clinton will allay some fears by naming a ridiculously well qualified Cabinet, to include Republicans, and I pray the Right Wing can take a beat, relax and let it happen. Oh, and I don't pray, I'm an atheist!!
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