US Presidential Race 2016

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Trump is that confident of winning he's already got his cabinet sorted.
Awh come on mate, I've asked a neutral question there that in no way relates to Trump or what you feel about what Russia is doing. I just want to see quick opinions from Clinton supporters (because I can guess Trump supporters' answers) about whether they feel tensions will raise further or not with a Clinton presidency. I haven't blamed Clinton for anything in that, I've left everything open to hear opinions without trying to influence them in the question (what I listed is to provide context to what I'm asking and is all true where I haven't left it open to uncertainty - i.e. the cyberattacks).

Regarding your last comment, I've made my preference and rationale for that clear in the thread, but I've still approached everything objectively and took information as it is - that doesn't say the opinion I formed from it matches up with yours, which is fine in any subject.

trump has the persona of everything i hate both as a politician and as an individual. i havent heard a coherent arguement but i`ve heard rhetoric by the bucket full. clinton is a politican, politicians lie.
i think this "make america great again" is, as we all know jingoistic bollocks. i dont think he gives a fuck for anyone but himself.
I worry it could go rogue and assassinate both Clinton and Trump and claim the Presidency for itself.

Err... don't know if you have noticed but unlike Downing Street where there is always a cat the White House occupants always seem to have a dog - not by chance you know .... that fucking hairpiece wouldn't stand a chance !!
Err... don't know if you have noticed but unlike Downing Street where there is always a cat the White House occupants always seem to have a dog - not by chance you know .... that fucking hairpiece wouldn't stand a chance !!
How anyone can analyse this race for the White House and underestimate that hairpiece is beyond me. It's formidable.
i just get the feeling that this false equivalency your talking of, is regarding their personality and less impactful political behaviour. I said to another US voter on here: your thinking from the perspective of a US voter so domestic issues are probably more important to you, whereas as an outsider, international matters are more important to me. I haven't thought enough about what i would do if I was a US voter, because I have enough to think about already from my perspective. Domestically, Clinton is much more stabile (it's more or less a guarantee of stability), Trump does pose a risk and it's hard to put a reliable estimate range of how risky this may be economically. I'll say this, if I was an African-American in an area susceptible to police brutality, I'd have to vote Trump because of the comments he's made about bringing respect back to the police (officers that love to abuse people will have loved that). So yeah, personality/general behavioural differences are of less significant concern to me, it's the potential of their international impact (Clinton will undoubtedly be more negatives with raised tensions with Russia; Trump will build US-Rus relations but the result of that for others like Ukraine is hard to predict) and will be more to you because they will be the face of your country which will impact on international negotiations etc. This difference in perspective is why most likely the root of why we're finding it so hard to share posts in agreement. I don't mind someone with the right passion and positive ideas but without the widespread experience/knowledge someone like Clinton or Obama may have politically, because they have a cabinet with the necessary level of expertise to reliably advise him in each area (they will challenge him if needed and he should trust them since he'd hire them) - of course, like I said, the domestic risk isn't a risk to me.
Sorry, but that is like reading about "Upside Down World!"

Domestically, internationally, trade, foreign relations, every metric you would like to use, SHE IS BETTER!

Appeasement appears to be in vogue at the moment, but it is never a good policy. Ever.

This whole "Trump improves relations with Russia" is PURELY about his PERSONAL business interests and who he owes money to/has invested with in the region of the world.

Additionally, if you think the domestic policies of the United States do not affect you, watch what happens GLOBALLY if the U.S. heads into a recession. If the U.S. heads into a deep recession, look out below!!

I would rather elect YOU as President than Trump, both because you clearly have a better temperament and intellect than Trump, but also because you realize that the quality of the people with whom you surround yourself is a key factor in your ultimate success or failure. At present, it is believed that Chris Christie is looking for the Attorney General position, with Rudy Giuliani as Dorector of the FBI or other, even larger National Security position. THAT scares the fuck out of me, because they are BOTH completely, possibly uniquely, unsuited to those positions.

Bill Maher, who has a long running Friday night political (with humor and satire) show, got it right this past Friday. There is a Right Wing Coup being attempted right now. That sounds outlandish, but it is completely true. 50 million people or more will vote for Trump. That is a scary statistic.

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How anyone can analyse this race for the White House and underestimate that hairpiece is beyond me. It's formidable.

Hence the CIA dog deep undercover as a Presidential pet that will pounce as it crosses the threshold. In fact if he wins Donald would be well advised to take it off and carry it into the White House in a steel reinforced box. If he loses it had better start running and never, ever look back over its shoulder....
Sorry, but that is like reading about "Upside Down World!"

Domestically, internationally, trade, foreign relations, every metric you would like to use, SHE IS BETTER!

Appeasement appears to be in vogue at the moment, but it is never a good policy. Ever.

This whole "Trump improves relations with Russia" is PURELY about his PERSONAL business interests and who he owes money to/has invested with in the region of the world.

Additionally, if you think the domestic policies of the United States do not affect you, watch what happens GLOBALLY if the U.S. heads into a recession. If the U.S. heads into a deep recession, look out below!!

I would rather elect YOU as President than Trump, both because you clearly have a better temperament and intellect than Trump, but also because you realize that the quality of the people with whom you surround yourself is a key factor in your ultimate success or failure. At present, it is believed that Chris Christie is looking for the Attorney General position, with Rudy Giuliani as Dorector of the FBI or other, even larger National Security position. THAT scares the fuck out of me, because they are BOTH completely, possibly uniquely, unsuited to those positions.

Bill Maher, who has a long running Friday night political (with humor and satire) show, got it right this past Friday. There is a Right Wing Coup being attempted right now. That sounds outlandish, but it is completely true. 50 million people or more will vote for Trump. That is a scary statistic.

Yeah but we're discussing hairpieces now and the cheeto-faced ferret wearing shitgibbon wins that hands down.
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