Useless fact I didn't know before

At the moment the back off the knee has no special name recognised in medial science, other than the back of the knee.
frozen pre-shaped lumps of chicken-shit can de used as a cheap alternative instead of prawns in curries, but you have to use excess amounts of cumin,corriander seeds & fenugreek to mask the smell....fella who works down the curry mile told me that and its true as i tried it, saved few ££££s as spent 11 weeks in hospital afterwards... didnt use any electric,gas,water... or did any grocery shopping.
i8therags said:
Kula Sheikher said:
On your car fuel gague, there is a little picture of a petrol pump. If the handle is on the left hand side on the picture, your fuel cap is on the left hand side of your car and on the right of the picture it is on the right side of your car, so there is no excuse to drive into the petrol station on the wrong side.

Does anyone else know any crap like this?
just looked,mines on the right and fills on the left.
Wow - it's TOTALLY useless then!

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