I’m in my 80s and I will be making sure that I’ve filled the form in and I hope that they check EVERYONE’S Covid pass. It is straightforward and like someone else said it’s a Government requirement nothing to do with City plus why do people fight against everything? I want to be able to go to the games knowing that everyone has done their best.
For the past few matches I’ve had different people sitting next to me as the 2 season card holders gave up their cards. So the last 2 home matches I’ve not attended because quite frankly I chickened out. I was scared as the numbers rose. As this ‘passport’ or whatever you like to call it comes in then I will, hopefully, feel and be, safer.
So just fill in the flaming form folks and be sensible! (Apparently, according to a poll here on BM I am an FOC whatever that means. So please humour this FOC!)
Thank you. :-)