Van Persie, im fed up with this dog of a player

Pigeonho said:
Aggressive, snide or whatever - I would have him in a heart beat. A fit van Persie is probably the only player in the entire league I would snap up for our team.

A lot of people talk about Van Persie and say when he's fit how he's a great striker, one of the best in the world etc and while i think he's talented and a good striker when he's fit i don't think he's as good as some people think he is and i'd rather have Tevez
Failsworth_Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
Aggressive, snide or whatever - I would have him in a heart beat. A fit van Persie is probably the only player in the entire league I would snap up for our team.

A lot of people talk about Van Persie and say when he's fit how he's a great striker, one of the best in the world etc and while i think he's talented and a good striker when he's fit i don't think he's as good as some people think he is and i'd rather have Tevez
Don't get me wrong, I prefer what we have, but say Balotelli went, (just for arguements sake), putting vP in that wide-cutting in type role, well i'd like a piece of that. He is a scummy player, but i'd rather him be our scummy player than someone elses.
Bazzmand Show said:
Ric said:
As mentioned in another thread, I suspect Kompany has more balls than to push the issue with a statement on the official site. van Persie is a great player, but he has a face I would never tire of punching.

Van Persie, Fabregas and Darren Fletcher are the most punchable players in the league.

that's a queue i'd happily wait my turn in!
Bazzmand Show said:
Laid a massive elbow into Vince, probably one of the fairest players in the league. Vince did not make a thing of it and Van Persie rolled around on the turf like the slime piece of shit he is.

I actually want to take the little pricks head off. After that and the way he carried on at Eastlands last year. Everything about him makes my skin crawl.
I wonder if his was what Bobby Manc was arguing about with van persie at the end while wlaking off the field.
BluePurgatory said:
Bazzmand Show said:
Laid a massive elbow into Vince, probably one of the fairest players in the league. Vince did not make a thing of it and Van Persie rolled around on the turf like the slime piece of shit he is.

I actually want to take the little pricks head off. After that and the way he carried on at Eastlands last year. Everything about him makes my skin crawl.
I wonder if his was what Bobby Manc was arguing about with van persie at the end while wlaking off the field.

he was arguing with fabregas
Failsworth_Blue said:
Pigeonho said:
Aggressive, snide or whatever - I would have him in a heart beat. A fit van Persie is probably the only player in the entire league I would snap up for our team.

A lot of people talk about Van Persie and say when he's fit how he's a great striker, one of the best in the world etc and while i think he's talented and a good striker when he's fit i don't think he's as good as some people think he is and i'd rather have Tevez

Agreed. For all his talent, RVP doesn't score anywhere near enough goals to be thought of as a top draw forward for me. I think last night was typical for him; looked good, make the keeper work but couldn't actually put the ball in the net, which is why he's there. He's 28 next year; not like he's 20 anymore with loads of time to learn how to score.

The fact he's a little twunt is just an additional reason I wouldn't have him in our first XI :)
Pigeonho said:
Aggressive, snide or whatever - I would have him in a heart beat. A fit van Persie is probably the only player in the entire league I would snap up for our team.

Really?... he's never realy put a huge run together, therefore he rarely shows consistency. Add that to the fact he's a bigger cretin than Bellamy's favourite man Terry and i can't see why you'd want him anywhere near our squad.
GStar said:
Pigeonho said:
Aggressive, snide or whatever - I would have him in a heart beat. A fit van Persie is probably the only player in the entire league I would snap up for our team.

Really?... he's never realy put a huge run together, therefore he rarely shows consistency. Add that to the fact he's a bigger cretin than Bellamy's favourite man Terry and i can't see why you'd want him anywhere near our squad.
Just something about him which I like as a player. Yes he's a mard arse and snidey little fuckstick, but take the injuries he's had away and I think with 2 full seasons football he would be a wicked player to have. Will never happen, just saying thats all.
mancityscot said:
Hate the snide slimy fucker with a passion, also I saw the way he pushed de Jong away in the face to try and get passed him, hope the fucker breaks his leg one of these days
their best pals off the field !

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