Look at the rule and then look at the explanation of the rule where the wording makes it slightly different...
I agree the bit you are quoting makes sense to your argument but there is another bit which you are completely filing to even acknowledge in the IFAB guaidance...
Yes i know the rules.....have you read the complete explantion...look at the link that was posted to IFAB the other day or if you want here is a copy and paste of it:
Deliberate handball remains an offence. The following ‘handball’ situations,
even if accidental, will be a free kick:
• the ball goes into the goal after touching an attacking player’s hand/arm.
- a player gains control/possession of the ball after it has touches their hand/arm and then scores, or creates a goal-scoring opportunity
- the ball touches a player’s hand/arm which has made their body unnaturally bigger
- the ball touches a player’s hand/arm when it is above their shoulder (unless the player has deliberately played the ball which then touches their hand/arm)
thats not my words - that is a direct copy and paste from the IFAB site.
It is an offence (
though it was accidental) and a free kick as the ball has gone into the net after his a players (Laporte's arm)....no he hasnt been in control or possession (though because he has changed the flight of the ball you could even argue that if you wanted to but Im not going to bother) but here is the important bit....
OR creates a goal scoring opportunity (which laportes' arm accidentally did) as the ball changed direction off his arm and fell to the feet of GJ) who then scored after one touch.
The OR bit means he doesnt even have to be in control or possession. It means its an offence if the ball comes off his (or any players arm) and then creates a goal scoring opportinutiy regardless of possession.....
here is the full link: